Glory in Death Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Glory in Death Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where was Eve called to go in person which indicates to her that the information must be important?
(a) Feeney's office.
(b) The commander's office.
(c) Roarke's office building.
(d) The morgue.

2. How does Eve know Feeney?
(a) She has known him since she was a child.
(b) He is an informantant for her.
(c) He is her supervisor.
(d) They are friends and co-workers.

3. What does Eve ask Mirina as soon as she sees Mirina?
(a) What was her relationship between Yvonne and Cicely.
(b) Where she was on the night of Yvonne's murder.
(c) Why she was summoned so far.
(d) What is Mirina's relationship with Roarke.

4. What does Eve know deep down about Dr. Mira?
(a) That she will make Eve talk about her past.
(b) That she will make reports to commander Whitney about Eve.
(c) That she doesn't trust Eve.
(d) That she does not trust or believe in Roarke.

5. How does Roarke act when he gives Eve the gift?
(a) Casual.
(b) Genuine.
(c) Reflective.
(d) Loving.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Roarke tell Eve in regard to their relationship as he leaves?

2. What does Eve do with the gift?

3. What does Eve ask C.J. Morse?

4. What does Eve do after she sees C.J.'s news report the day after the murder?

5. What does C.J. Morse say about the murder of Cicely on the news that angers Eve?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Feeney share about his ability to gather information from Cicely's communication devices?

2. Who was David Angelini and what did Feeney uncover about him?

3. What do Eve and Feeney know about the new lead Feeney uncovered about his wife and how do they feel about approaching the Commander about it?

4. What does Eve pull out and show to Roarke and how does he react to her declaration?

5. What happens when Eve senses that Roarke is in the bathroom with her while she is relaxing in a bath?

6. What happens when Eve tries to leave Roarke's house after questioning him?

7. How does Eve react to the gift that Roarke has given her and what is his reaction to her?

8. What happens when Eve is summoned to her Commander's office?

9. What happens after Eve is finished interviewing Marco Angelini and what does she tell Feeney to do?

10. What was Slade charged with on Sector 38?

(see the answer keys)

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