Glory in Death Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Glory in Death Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Roarke ask Eve after C.J. is dead?
(a) To take him home.
(b) To go on vacation with him.
(c) To go find Nadine.
(d) To marry him.

2. What is David's initial reaction to Eve's questions?
(a) He claims his innocence.
(b) He confesses to the crime.
(c) He tells her he witnessed the murder.
(d) He denies being there.

3. In what way is Mirina different?
(a) She is asking for illegal help from the Commander.
(b) She is dressing totally differently.
(c) She is threatening and abusive.
(d) She no longer seems weak.

4. How does Eve feel when she is told there is a new female victim?
(a) Disgusted.
(b) Guilty.
(c) Angry.
(d) Surprised.

5. How does the Commander react to the arrest?
(a) He is surprised.
(b) He is relieved.
(c) He is distressed.
(d) He is furious.

6. Who contacts Eve during the party?
(a) C.J.
(b) Nadine.
(c) David.
(d) Commander.

7. Who is waiting for Eve in her office when she arrives at her office?
(a) Mirina.
(b) Dr. Mira.
(c) Feeney.
(d) Commander.

8. What does David's legal team tell Eve?
(a) He will file charges against her for abuse.
(b) He wants to cooperate.
(c) He needs protections.
(d) He won't be answering any questions.

9. Who confirms that no one touched the body until Eve arrived?
(a) Nadine.
(b) Feeney.
(c) Peabody.
(d) C.J.

10. What clue does the junkie share with Eve?
(a) She saw David with a knife.
(b) She saw Yvonne the night of her murder.
(c) She saw Cicely on the night of her murder.
(d) She saw a man in a dark coat closing an umbrella.

11. What does Eve threaten to do at David's house when he doesn't answer?
(a) To get a warrant.
(b) To get more help to find him.
(c) To get some sleep.
(d) To look for him somewhere else.

12. Why does Feeney interrupt Eve's session with Dr. Mira?
(a) He has found new evidence.
(b) The commander wants her.
(c) The murder weapon has been found.
(d) A news report.

13. After interviewing Mrs. Whitney, who does Eve have Feeney try to track down?
(a) Mirina.
(b) David.
(c) C.J.
(d) Randall.

14. Why can't Feeney find any clues in Yvonne's diary?
(a) He didn't know the people she referred to.
(b) He isn't able to find the rest of the diary.
(c) She used a code only she understood.
(d) He couldn't break her security code.

15. What does Eve think about Marco's confession?
(a) She thinks he is telling the truth.
(b) She thinks he is lying.
(c) She thinks he is losing his mind.
(d) She thinks they are both covering for someone else.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did David know Yvonne?

2. What does Eve find in the Angelini's brownstone?

3. How does Marco tell Eve he knows she is wrong about the killer?

4. What did C.J. do when the weather girl at one of his stations got all of the fan mail?

5. Who does Eve order Feeney to run a check on?

(see the answer keys)

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