Glory in Death Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Glory in Death Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Eve get even more worried about Nadine after talking to Louise's parents?
(a) Nadine told Louise's parents she knows who the killer is.
(b) Nadine didn't attend Louise's service.
(c) Nadine cannot be found anywhere.
(d) Nadine never called Louise's parents.

2. Who contacts Eve during the party?
(a) C.J.
(b) Nadine.
(c) Commander.
(d) David.

3. How does Roarke react to Marco's statements to Eve about being a media whore?
(a) He calms Marco down.
(b) He is furious.
(c) He supports Marco.
(d) He tries to get Marco to understand Eve's point of view.

4. Who does C.J. blame for Louise's death?
(a) Eve.
(b) Yvonne.
(c) David.
(d) Nadine.

5. What does Dr. Mira tell Eve when she asks what she thinks about a woman who can't sleep without a specific man?
(a) She thinks that woman is in love.
(b) She thinks it is not normal.
(c) She thinks the two are too close.
(d) She thinks the man controls the woman.

6. What does Larinda Mars' job?
(a) Nadine's assistant.
(b) C.J.'s assistant.
(c) Social reporter.
(d) News reporter.

7. What does C.J. say keeps him awake at night?
(a) Louise's eyes.
(b) Thoughts of his new promotion.
(c) Finding the killer before Eve.
(d) Eve's attitude.

8. Why can't Feeney find any clues in Yvonne's diary?
(a) He isn't able to find the rest of the diary.
(b) He couldn't break her security code.
(c) He didn't know the people she referred to.
(d) She used a code only she understood.

9. What does Louise take with her when she leaves to go get cigarettes?
(a) Her purple umbrella.
(b) Her favorite purse.
(c) Nadine's raincoat.
(d) C.J.'s rain boots.

10. What does David's legal team tell Eve?
(a) He wants to cooperate.
(b) He won't be answering any questions.
(c) He will file charges against her for abuse.
(d) He needs protections.

11. What promise does Eve make to Louise's mother?
(a) She will find justice for her daughter.
(b) She will have Nadine call them.
(c) She will contact them when she finds the killer.
(d) She will set up a special interview for them.

12. What is David's initial reaction to Eve's questions?
(a) He claims his innocence.
(b) He tells her he witnessed the murder.
(c) He denies being there.
(d) He confesses to the crime.

13. What does Dr. Mira believe David would do if he were in trouble?
(a) Hide behind a shield of some sort.
(b) Run away from the trouble.
(c) Lash out viciously.
(d) Turn to his family.

14. How does Marco tell Eve he knows she is wrong about the killer?
(a) He confesses himself.
(b) He saw someone else do it.
(c) He was with David during the murders.
(d) He has faith in his son.

15. What is Eve accused of by one of the Angelina family members?
(a) Harrassing the family.
(b) Inappropriate targeting.
(c) Ignoring evidence.
(d) Male hating.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Feeney and Eve believe will happen to Marco once David is released?

2. Who helps Nadine prepare the interview of Eve for the air?

3. Why does Eve finally decide to arrest David?

4. Why is Linda with Mrs. Whitney when she is interviewed by Eve?

5. Why does Eve request Peabody to back her up at C.J.'s apartment?

(see the answer keys)

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