Glamorama: A Novel Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Glamorama: A Novel Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 3, Chapters 14 - 9, pgs. 269 - 299.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who has been phoning Chloe all day during the photo shoot, although she didn't take any of the calls?
(a) Victor's father.
(b) JD.
(c) Allison.
(d) Damien.

2. What is Victor wearing when he boards the ship to London?
(a) Jeans and a t-shirt.
(b) A golf outfit.
(c) His bathing suit.
(d) A tuxedo.

3. While Victor is in the hotel room with Jamie, who continues to phone him?
(a) Chloe.
(b) Damien.
(c) Allison.
(d) No one. The line is always dead.

4. What request does Allison make of Victor when she meets him to discuss the photograph?
(a) To never call her again.
(b) To break up with Chloe.
(c) To marry her.
(d) To pay her for her silence.

5. Before Damien arrives, what does Victor manage to get Lauren to do?
(a) Give him money for drugs.
(b) Travel to London with him.
(c) Have sex with him.
(d) Invite him to the club opening.

Short Answer Questions

1. What ocean does Victor sail across to get to London?

2. Who does Victor meet at the Bowery Bar?

3. Why isn't Damien threatened by Victor's presence in Lauren's apartment?

4. At what hotel is Victor staying in London?

5. Who are Stephen and Lorrie Wallace?

(see the answer key)

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