Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the author say is the truth he learned much later about his father?
(a) That his father did not believe in God.
(b) That his father had another wife and other children.
(c) That his father was abused as a child.
(d) That his father had a history of substance abuse.

2. What was the reason the author and his classmates were given for having to retake a test for the psychology class, Perceptions 101?
(a) The tests were inadvertently burned.
(b) No one passed the first test.
(c) The tests were lost.
(d) There was too much talking during the first test.

3. In "A Terrible Temper," what does the author say had become a daily habit?
(a) Playing clarinet.
(b) Working out.
(c) Reading the Bible.
(d) Punching a pillow.

4. What college did the author decide to attend?
(a) Stanford.
(b) Harvard.
(c) University of Michigan.
(d) Yale.

5. The author graduates _____ in his senior high school class.
(a) Second.
(b) Third.
(c) First.
(d) Fourth.

6. What does the author say he felt "constant temptation" to do at his new school?
(a) Skip class.
(b) Get a bad grade.
(c) Become one of the guys.
(d) Get a girlfriend.

7. What did the Yale admissions office pay for the author and Candy to do before Thanksgiving 1972?
(a) Start a religious club on campus.
(b) Buy a house.
(c) Recruit in Detroit area high schools.
(d) Register in a marathon.

8. What does the author say about regulations in "Changing the Rules"?
(a) He says they keep things running smoothly all the time.
(b) He says they sometimes hinder and need to be broken or ignored.
(c) He says he usually disagrees with them but follows them anyway.
(d) He says that following them is the key to his success.

9. What did the author, in "College Choices," score on his final chemistry exam?
(a) 79.
(b) 97.
(c) 48.
(d) 100.

10. Where did the author's family move, after his mother decided to rent their house?
(a) Chicago.
(b) Boston.
(c) New York City.
(d) Detroit.

11. Why was the author surprised when he read the exam problems in the booklet, in "College Choices"?
(a) He thought the problems were much easier than he expected.
(b) They were identical to the ones he saw in a dream.
(c) The booklet included formulas that would help him solve the problems.
(d) He had no idea how to solve the problems.

12. Where did the author's mother go when she said she was staying with relatives?
(a) To gamble.
(b) To visit her ex-husband.
(c) To pursue a singing career.
(d) A mental institution.

13. The author's mother told him if he could _____, he could learn just about anything he wanted to know.
(a) Read.
(b) Follow directions.
(c) Cook.
(d) Do math.

14. What did the author consider his biggest problem in tenth grade?
(a) Thinking about college.
(b) Clothes.
(c) Dating.
(d) Choosing a career.

15. What does the author say in "Two Positives" was the worst part of school?
(a) Book reports.
(b) Recess.
(c) Math quizzes.
(d) Weekly spelling bees.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was the author offered, after he had dinner with Congressional Medal winners?

2. The author told his mother that _____ are supposed to _____.

3. Who told the author he should "dress the way you want to be"?

4. In "Changing the Rules," the author says that _____ could get him in the door but _____ and quality of work were the real tests.

5. What year does the author say he no longer waited for his father to come home from work?

(see the answer keys)

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