Giants in the Earth Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Giants in the Earth Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Hans Olsa ride out to his third quarter in the middle of a snowstorm?
(a) To visit Per Hansa.
(b) To get some lumber.
(c) To bury his dog.
(d) To look after his cattle.

2. How long do the locusts plague the settlers?
(a) Seventeen years.
(b) Seven years.
(c) Six years.
(d) One year.

3. Who becomes frustrated at Per Hansa's refusal to harvest the wheat when others tell him it is time?
(a) Torkel Tallaksen.
(b) Henry Solum.
(c) Hans Olsa.
(d) Tonseten.

4. What sermon does the minister preach during his first service in the settlement?
(a) The Israelites and the land of Canaan.
(b) The last supper.
(c) Jesus turning the water into wine.
(d) The ascension.

5. Which of the following is NOT something that Per Hansa tells Torkel Tallaksen to invest his money in?
(a) Cattle.
(b) Fish nets.
(c) Machinery.
(d) Horses.

6. What name does Per Hansa refuse to let Beret be known by?
(a) Harstad.
(b) Hedmark.
(c) Stavanger.
(d) Skarvholmen.

7. Why does Per Hansa check the ground before he plants?
(a) To see how many worms are in the soil.
(b) To see how dry the soil is.
(c) To see if there are any rocks or stones in the ground.
(d) To see if he has already planted seeds there.

8. What does Beret call the blizzards?
(a) Blinding.
(b) Coldness.
(c) Monster.
(d) Nightmares.

9. Who calls Per Hansa a fool for planting too early?
(a) Tonseten.
(b) Beret.
(c) Hans Olsa.
(d) Ola.

10. What does Per Hansa do after he returns home from the Hallings?
(a) Whitewashes the walls.
(b) Plants potatoes.
(c) Feeds the cows.
(d) Gets sick.

11. A couple arrives at Spring Creek and the woman is tied up in the wagon. What has happened to them?
(a) Their youngest child has died.
(b) The man has kidnapped the woman.
(c) The woman is a thief being transported to jail.
(d) The woman has tried to kill the man.

12. Where does the minister perform divine services?
(a) Per Hansa's house.
(b) Hans Olsa's house.
(c) Tonseten's house.
(d) The community center.

13. Who teaches Per Hansa how to fish?
(a) The Tronders.
(b) Hans Olsa.
(c) The Hallings.
(d) Tonseten.

14. Who worries about the strain of divine services on Beret?
(a) Store-Hans.
(b) Kjersti.
(c) Tonseten.
(d) Sorine.

15. Per Hansa thinks that his wife is too _______ for a pregnant woman.
(a) Thin.
(b) Fat.
(c) Old.
(d) Depressed.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Torkel Tallaksen want to build?

2. What is another name for Peder Seier?

3. What does Store-Hans ask Per after the minister's first service?

4. In which direction is Per looking when he dies?

5. What do the Solum boys build to help them return East?

(see the answer keys)

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