The Ghost Sonata Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Ghost Sonata Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The Old Man asserts that only how many deceptive witnesses are needed in order to "prove anything about which they have agreed," (30) according to the Old Man?
(a) 2.
(b) 4.
(c) 3.
(d) 5.

2. What piece of jewelry does the Colonel remove and give to the Old Man during Act II?
(a) A necklace.
(b) A watch.
(c) A bracelet.
(d) A ring.

3. To what role is Bengtsson assigned during the ghost supper?
(a) Polishing silver.
(b) Announcing guests.
(c) Taking coats.
(d) Washing dishes.

4. Which character in Act II discovers that the Girl is ill with an unknown malady?
(a) Johansson.
(b) Bengtsson.
(c) The Student.
(d) The Old Man.

5. The American Volunteer Force is said to have been reorganized at the end of which war?
(a) Spanish-American.
(b) Civil.
(c) Revolutionary.
(d) Indian.

6. Who hears footsteps within Act II?
(a) Johansson.
(b) The Mummy.
(c) The Old Man.
(d) Bengtsson.

7. The Colonel names which two items as ones the Old Man cannot possess?
(a) The Mummy and the Girl.
(b) His debt and his good name.
(c) His family's coat of arms and his good name.
(d) His family's wealth and his good name.

8. What object does the Colonel usually use to summon his servant?
(a) A triangle.
(b) A horn.
(c) A kazoo.
(d) A bell.

9. What kind of "medal" is the Colonel's "devoted servant" (25) said to have been awarded for his "long and faithful service" (25)?
(a) Token.
(b) Honorary.
(c) Golden.
(d) Governmental.

10. What adjective does the Old Man use to describe the house in which the ghost supper is held?
(a) Dilapidated.
(b) Elegant.
(c) Grand.
(d) Wretched.

11. What type of medical aid does the Old Man bring with him to the ghost supper?
(a) A walker.
(b) An arm cast.
(c) Crutches.
(d) A wheelchair.

12. By which body part does the Old Man seize Johansson when he first arrives at the ghost supper and spies Johansson?
(a) The ear.
(b) The wrist.
(c) The waist.
(d) The elbow.

13. Whose fiancee is Beatrice von Holsteinkrona?
(a) The Colonel's.
(b) Bergtsson's.
(c) Johansson's.
(d) The Old Man's.

14. What does the Old Man do when he is given a particular instruction by the Colonel in Act II?
(a) He sits.
(b) He bows.
(c) He kneels.
(d) He screams.

15. When the Mummy unleashes a tirade against the Old Man, who is NOT named among the Old Man's victims?
(a) The Consul.
(b) The Mummy.
(c) The Student.
(d) The Girl.

Short Answer Questions

1. Johansson marvels at the fact that which character is "itching to get in" the house "as if it were a paradise" (20)?

2. What kind of screen is kept within the house at the center of the play and is also said to be used within hospitals?

3. When the Old Man arrives at the ghost supper, he demands that his presence be announced to which character?

4. What name does the Old Man call out when he sees the statue displayed in the Round Room?

5. The Old Man orders everyone to leave the ghost supper, with the exception of which two characters?

(see the answer keys)

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