Germinal Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Germinal Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who brings in friends from Paris to see the mining town?
(a) Moretie
(b) Deneulin
(c) Mrs. Hennebeau
(d) the Grégoires

2. Why can't Bonnemort work inside the Voreux anymore?
(a) his leg is broken
(b) he is not able to think due to a brain injury
(c) he is sick and disabled
(d) he is too old

3. What does the grocer want in order to help La Maheude?
(a) one of La Maheude's family heirlooms
(b) La Maheude to work for him
(c) Catherine to come to the store
(d) La Maheude to sleep with him

4. Who is Souvarine?
(a) Catherine's boyfriend
(b) Etienne's team leader
(c) a Russian anarchist
(d) Chaval's brother

5. Who is the overman who hires Étienne Lantier?
(a) Jaques
(b) Phillipe
(c) Danseart
(d) Dom Gernera

6. What does Etienne do about what he sees on his walk?
(a) nothing
(b) he kills the criminal
(c) he reports the problem
(d) he watches the miners

7. Who is Léon Grégoire?
(a) an important investor in the mine
(b) the Maheus' cousin
(c) the night watchman
(d) Chaval's father

8. Why does Chaval almost instantly dislike Etienne?
(a) he reminds him of his father
(b) he feels superior to him
(c) he feels like Etienne is too smart
(d) he's jealous of him

9. Where does La Maheude go to ask for help?
(a) the bank
(b) the priest
(c) the charity center
(d) the Grégoires

10. What does Etienne see during his walk?
(a) the mine being worked
(b) the rape of Catherine
(c) stealing from the grocery store
(d) the rape of La Maheude

11. Why would visitors come to the mining village?
(a) they're related to some mine investors
(b) they aren't wealthy enough for Paris
(c) they want to see how poor people live
(d) they are related to Mrs. Hennebeau

12. What is La Maheude given instead of food?
(a) money
(b) clothes for the children
(c) a job
(d) nothing

13. How does Etienne feel about the miners with whom he is working?
(a) superior
(b) irritated
(c) judgmental
(d) compassionate

14. What happens with the provident fund?
(a) it grows quickly
(b) Etienne steals from it
(c) it never gets off the ground
(d) it grows slowly

15. What does Chaval do as Etienne is getting ready to kiss Catherine?
(a) pulls Catherine away
(b) dumps water on Etienne
(c) slips between them
(d) hits Etienne

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is the Voreux's manager?

2. What does Etienne tell the miners he wants to fight?

3. What happens to Jeanlin in the accident in November in the mine?

4. Why do the Maheus invite Etienne to live with them?

5. Why does Bonnemort go outside to cough when the visitors are there?

(see the answer keys)

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