Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jack Weatherford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Jack Weatherford
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the first thing the Mongol soldiers did every morning when they broke camp?
(a) They had a meeting and discussed the next day.
(b) A quick reconissance of the left, right, back, and front.
(c) They prayed to Genghis Khan.
(d) They put out the night's fires and rode on.

2. Who had henchmen execute approximately thirty thousand Mongols in the 1930s?
(a) The Pope.
(b) Hitler.
(c) Herbert Hoover.
(d) Stalin.

3. Who wrote "Kamil fi at-tarikh," also known as "The Complete History" or "The Perfect History?"
(a) Nihat Ergün.
(b) Köprülü Fazıl Ahmed.
(c) Abdüllatif Şener.
(d) Ibn al-Athir.

4. In the year 1203, Temujin wished to resolve his rivalry with Jamuka and clarify his position with Ong Khan by what means?
(a) Temujin asked Ong Khan to marry one of his daughters.
(b) Temujin gave Ong Khan a beautiful sable fur.
(c) Temujin asked Ong Khan to have the khan's daughter marry Temujin's son, Jochi.
(d) Temujin offered one of his daughters to Ong Khan as a wife.

5. Where in the formation did Genghis Khan ride?
(a) In the center.
(b) In the back.
(c) To the right.
(d) To the left.

6. When was the final battle for control over Mongolia?
(a) 1204, the Year of the Rat.
(b) 1200, the Year of the Llama.
(c) 1202, the Year of the Rooster.
(d) 1206, the Year of the Bear.

7. When a warrior dies, where does his soul go?
(a) The sky.
(b) The wind.
(c) The sun.
(d) His Spirit Banner.

8. What year did Genghis Khan die?
(a) 1227.
(b) 1237.
(c) 1207.
(d) 1217.

9. Genghis Khan attempted to teach his sons, "If you can't swallow your _____, you can't lead."
(a) Morals.
(b) Pride.
(c) Intellect.
(d) Ways.

10. As a child, what was Genghis Khan afraid of?
(a) Heights.
(b) Snakes.
(c) Dogs.
(d) The dark.

11. Who was Temujin descended from?
(a) Bodonchar the Fool.
(b) Khorkhonag the Mighty.
(c) Anda the Wise.
(d) Onon the Lame.

12. What was different about Borte, once she was rescued?
(a) Borte was pregnant.
(b) Borte deflected to the Merkids.
(c) Borte was depressed.
(d) Borte was disfigured.

13. As a compromise, who was named successor to Genghis Khan?
(a) Tolui.
(b) Chaghatai.
(c) Ogodei.
(d) Jochi.

14. At its height, how expansive was the Mongol Empire?
(a) Between 11 and 12 million square miles.
(b) Approximatly 7 million square miles.
(c) 1 million yards.
(d) Exactly 900,000 square miles.

15. After their split in 1181, what year did Temujin decide he wanted the title of khan?
(a) 1189.
(b) 1182.
(c) 1190.
(d) 1185.

Short Answer Questions

1. When was Borte's first son born?

2. What were the last words of a fallen Mongol soldier?

3. Under the kinship hierarchy, what is each linage known by?

4. Who prompted the break with Jamuka's clan in 1181?

5. What does a Spirit Banner proclaim?

(see the answer keys)

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