Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 93 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 93 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Butler, the XY female poses problems to what type of categories?
(a) Conservative.
(b) Traditional gender.
(c) Social.
(d) Liberal.

2. Wittig said that the use of power is not always which of the following?
(a) Conscious.
(b) Helpful.
(c) Hurtful.
(d) Ignorant.

3. Heterosexism in a masquerade is sustained by which of the following, as Butler describes?
(a) Reality.
(b) Appearances.
(c) Faith.
(d) Illusion.

4. Butler claims that sometimes, there is recourse to which of the following?
(a) The maternal.
(b) Melancholia.
(c) Gender.
(d) The unconscious.

5. Which term does Butler use to describe Kristeva's theory?
(a) Self-defeating.
(b) Angsty.
(c) Wry.
(d) Worrisome.

6. To Kristeva, poetry helps express the dependence of who?
(a) Grandparents.
(b) Children.
(c) Mothers.
(d) Fathers.

7. Butler suggests that prohibition of which of the following is related most to sexual desire?
(a) Homosexuality.
(b) Incest.
(c) Bisexuality.
(d) Bestiality.

8. What type of media did Herculine write?
(a) Poems.
(b) Scripts.
(c) Novels.
(d) Journals.

9. How does Butler describe Wittig's idea of fictive sex?
(a) Important.
(b) Misleading.
(c) Misguided.
(d) Insignificant.

10. Butler wants to affirm that gender is always which of the following?
(a) Disliked.
(b) Acquired.
(c) Hidden.
(d) Found.

11. Butler says gender can be which of the following volitionally?
(a) Controlled.
(b) Changed.
(c) Policed.
(d) Fixed.

12. Butler suggests that perhaps sexual desire is instituted by which of the following?
(a) Subversion.
(b) Prohibition.
(c) Social forces.
(d) Anger.

13. Butler describes incorporation as leading to which of these?
(a) Identification.
(b) Masquerade.
(c) Gender.
(d) Sex.

14. Foucault says that which of the following is problematic?
(a) Liberal views.
(b) Liberation views.
(c) Conservative views.
(d) Social regulations.

15. To Kristeva, what relationship does the maternal body represent fluidity between?
(a) Father and daughter.
(b) Mother and child.
(c) Woman to woman.
(d) Brother and sister.

Short Answer Questions

1. The process of slowly incorporating various attributes is deemed which of the following?

2. According to Butler, how does Wittig apply the idea of fictive sex?

3. What did Foucault create a genealogy of?

4. Kristeva argues for the semiotic as a source of which of the following?

5. Butler asks if what kind of human can exist?

(see the answer keys)

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