Gathering Blue Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gathering Blue Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do the weavers offer Kira at the end of Chapter 5?
(a) Dyed threads.
(b) A seat at the empty loom.
(c) A new robe.
(d) Advice on her task.

2. How did Thomas become an orphan?
(a) His mother abandoned him on the steps of the Edifice.
(b) Both of his parents died on a hunt.
(c) Both of his parents were killed by lightning.
(d) His mother was killed by lightning and his father on a hunt.

3. What does Matt offer to do for Kira in Chapter 6?
(a) Gather the remaining plants from her garden.
(b) Burn down Vandara's cott.
(c) Send a message to her father.
(d) Carry her possessions upstairs to her new quarters.

4. Which council member knew Kira's father?
(a) Jamison.
(b) Christopher.
(c) Matt.
(d) Vandar.

5. What is Thomas' job in the Edifice?
(a) To carve intricate items out of wood.
(b) To tend the flocks of the Guardians.
(c) To serve the residents of the Edifice.
(d) To teach others to read.

6. In Chapter 11, what frightens Kira as she walks to Annabella's house?
(a) The whine of a child.
(b) The darkness of the forest.
(c) The howl of the wind.
(d) The growl of a beast.

7. Why do Vandara and the other women think Kira is useless?
(a) Because Kira is crippled.
(b) Because Kira has no visible talents.
(c) Because Kira cannot cook.
(d) Because Kira is unmarried.

8. Why does Kira only eat half of her meal provided during the trial in Chapter 4?
(a) She saves half of her meal for later.
(b) She is too nervous to eat.
(c) She shares some of her meal with Matt.
(d) She has been accused of eating too much.

9. Why isn't Matt allowed to enter the Field of Leaving?
(a) He was born under an unlucky omen.
(b) He does not belong to the village.
(c) He has no relatives currently in the Field.
(d) He is too young.

10. What does Kira realize she has never seen either dead or alive after she returns to the Edifice in Chapter 11?
(a) A beast.
(b) A crippled person.
(c) Blue flowers.
(d) A bear or a wolf.

11. What does Kira do when she is threatened by Vandara and the other women in Chapter 2?
(a) She claims her right to a hearing before the Council of Guardians.
(b) She hides in the Council Edifice.
(c) She runs and hides in Matt's cott.
(d) She fights back with a stone knife.

12. What does Kira intend to do with the stains on her mother's skirt?
(a) Patch them.
(b) Wash them.
(c) Bleach them.
(d) Embroider around them.

13. Where is Kira's father in Chapter 1?
(a) At the cott.
(b) Missing and presumed dead.
(c) In the Council Edifice.
(d) Hunting with the other men.

14. What does Annabella give Kira to help her calm down in Chapter 11?
(a) A scrap of embroidered cloth.
(b) Herbs from her garden.
(c) A cup of tea.
(d) Candy.

15. What does Kira sleep with the night after she is frightened along the path to Annabella's house?
(a) Her mother's scarf.
(b) Her scrap of embroidered cloth.
(c) A child's doll.
(d) A hunting knife.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is Vandara dressed as she presents herself before the Council of Guardians?

2. What color dye does Annabella not have?

3. What about Jamison amazes Kira?

4. What does Matt fear Kira might be while living in the Edifice?

5. What building does Kira visit after leaving the Council Edifice?

(see the answer keys)

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