Garden of Shadows Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Garden of Shadows Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Alicia and Malcolm were both certain of what?
(a) That their child would be a boy.
(b) That their child would be healthy.
(c) That their child would be a girl.
(d) That their child would be happy.

2. What revived Malcolm's interest and left him looking excited and almost breathless?
(a) All of these.
(b) The knowledge that he was going to have a son again.
(c) The knowledge that Alicia had sent a letter.
(d) The knowledge that the Foxworth lineage wasn't dead.

3. What did John Amos say that Olivia had invited into her home?
(a) The devil.
(b) Vanity.
(c) Sin.
(d) Lust.

4. What did Corinne want?
(a) To live again.
(b) To move on with her life.
(c) To attend parties again.
(d) All of these.

5. What discussion did Olivia have with Mal and Joel?
(a) It regarded both of these things.
(b) About not catering so much to Corinne's wants.
(c) Her conversation with her boys regarded neither of these things.
(d) About their trust funds.

6. From whom did Malcolm receive a letter?
(a) Alicia.
(b) His half brother, Christopher.
(c) His mother, Corinne.
(d) His daughter, Corinne.

7. What did Malcolm say in his own defense?
(a) That Olivia was making too big a deal out of the situation.
(b) All of these.
(c) That because Olivia wasn't going to have more children, he would get them where he could.
(d) That Alicia was a temptress and teased him mercilessly.

8. What enraged Malcolm?
(a) That Olivia would allow Mal to disobey his father.
(b) That Olivia would allow Corinne to be hurt.
(c) All of these.
(d) That Olivia would allow Corinne to go with Mal.

9. Why didn't Alicia tell Olivia sooner?
(a) She feared losing Olivia as an ally.
(b) She feared that she would lose her only friend and be cast out of Foxworth Hall.
(c) She feared for Christopher's safety, which Malcolm had threatened.
(d) She feared Olivia's anger.

10. What was Olivia determined to do?
(a) Protect herself from the worst in Malcolm.
(b) Protect her children from the worst in Malcolm.
(c) Not upset the balance between Corinne and Mal and Joel.
(d) Raise Corinne right.

11. What had Malcolm attempted to do to Alicia?
(a) Kill her.
(b) Strangle her.
(c) Smother her.
(d) Rape her.

12. What has Malcolm sworn?
(a) That if Joel leaves to be a musician, he isn't welcome as a Foxworth.
(b) That Joel will never again receive one penny from his father.
(c) That Joel is not his son.
(d) That Joel is weak and will never handle his empire.

13. Where was Joel headed?
(a) England.
(b) Switzerland.
(c) Germany.
(d) Italy.

14. Why is Malcolm to transfer a million dollars into trust for each of the boys?
(a) So they have money.
(b) So they can leave their father's side.
(c) So they have some control over their own lives.
(d) So they can run their own lives.

15. What did Olivia say to Malcolm following his attack on Alicia?
(a) I pity you.
(b) You're a hateful person.
(c) What have you done?
(d) All of these.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Olivia have of John Amos'?

2. Where had Christopher been accepted?

3. What drink did Malcolm serve at Corrine`s birth?

4. What didn't Christopher understand when he arrived at Foxworth?

5. What did Mal realize?

(see the answer keys)

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