Galileo Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Galileo Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Galileo claim is ruining Virginia's complexion?
(a) Finding a new husband.
(b) Worrying about Ludovico.
(c) Worrying about her father.
(d) Going to early Mass.

2. According the opening of Scene XII, where is Galileo living?
(a) In a jail cell.
(b) In Venice.
(c) In Virginia's home under lock and key.
(d) In a country house near Florence.

3. Who was Pope Urban VII, prior to receiving his papal name?
(a) Medici.
(b) Cardinal Bellarmin.
(c) The "Old Cardinal."
(d) Cardinal Barberini.

4. What does the Pope tell the Inquisitor that Galileo could not say "no" to?
(a) "To an old friend or a new invention."
(b) "To an old friend and a new friend."
(c) "To an old idea and a new vision."
(d) "To an old wine or a new idea."

5. In Scene XI, how many days does the "Little Monk" say that Galileo had been sitting in prison?
(a) 13 days.
(b) 47 days.
(c) 30 days.
(d) 23 days.

Short Answer Questions

1. What type of language does the Inquisitor say that Galileo writes in?

2. What kind of clock is Galileo presented with as a gift from Cardinal Bellarmin?

3. Where had the "Little Monk" grown up?

4. While waiting for Galileo's inquisition to finish, what does Andrea say he fears would never be completed?

5. What does the Inquisitor want to keep while "damning" Galileo's writings?

Short Essay Questions

1. What were Federzoni and Andrea's worries concerning Galileo's Inquisition?

2. What does Galileo say regarding his public recanting of his teachings?

3. Why does Vanni tell Galileo that he is on his side regarding Galileo's teachings?

4. What does Andrea say the inquisition was doing to the "truth"?

5. What did the astronomer at the University tell Virginia about her horoscope?

6. What were the problems that Galileo faced with living in both Florence and the Republic regarding the Discorsi?

7. What lie does Galileo tell Virginia about being summoned by The Duke?

8. What do the experiment with the iron needle and water prove?

9. Why is Galileo not worried about the Cardinal Inquisitor being in Florence?

10. What problems does Virginia find with Galileo traveling to Padua and taking time off?

(see the answer keys)

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