Galileo Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Galileo Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to the "Little Monk," how many nights passed since he had been able to sleep?
(a) 5 nights.
(b) 3 nights.
(c) 7 nights.
(d) 6 n ights.

2. Where had the "Little Monk" grown up?
(a) Florence.
(b) Paris.
(c) Rome.
(d) Campagna.

3. According the opening of Scene XII, where is Galileo living?
(a) In Virginia's home under lock and key.
(b) In a country house near Florence.
(c) In Venice.
(d) In a jail cell.

4. What does Galileo use to make the iron needle float on the surface of water without sinking?
(a) A piece of paper.
(b) A string.
(c) A piece of wax.
(d) Ice.

5. Who, from Amsterdam, wanted Andrea to ask about Galileo's health?
(a) Demetrius.
(b) Fabricius.
(c) Francico.
(d) Stephen.

6. Where does Scene VII open?
(a) A monastery.
(b) In the Palace of the Florentine Ambassador in Rome.
(c) In the Hall of Inquisition.
(d) Galileo's home.

7. What does the Grand Duke want from Galileo when he and Virginia wait to be recognized?
(a) A manuscript.
(b) A pamphlet.
(c) A model.
(d) A book.

8. What does Galileo claim is ruining Virginia's complexion?
(a) Going to early Mass.
(b) Worrying about her father.
(c) Finding a new husband.
(d) Worrying about Ludovico.

9. Why does Galileo tell Andrea that they could not investigate sunspots?
(a) Because they were "working on floating bodies."
(b) Because they "could not waste their time."
(c) Because they had "too much knowledge already."
(d) Because they were" not authorized by the Holy Court."

10. Where did Scene XI take place?
(a) In the Hall of Trials in Venice.
(b) In the Palace of the Florentine Ambassador in Rome.
(c) An apartment in the Vatican.
(d) In the Court of Inquisition in Florence.

11. What type of language does the Inquisitor say that Galileo writes in?
(a) "The language of mathematicians."
(b) "The language of the Church, Ecclesiastical Latin."
(c) "The language of the fishwives and wool merchants."
(d) "The language of scholars."

12. Where does Scene VIII open?
(a) Galileo's house in Florence.
(b) Galileo's house in Rome.
(c) The new Pope's chambers.
(d) The Vatican.

13. Who did Galileo design a smelting-plant for?
(a) Rector Gaffone.
(b) Bellarmin.
(c) Signor Vanni.
(d) Ludovico.

14. What, according to Andrea, do the people of Paris and Prague believe sunspots were?
(a) Swarms of stars.
(b) Vapors from the sun.
(c) Surface winds.
(d) Mountains.

15. Who does Galileo tell Virginia invited him to Padua?
(a) Rector Gaffone.
(b) Ludovico.
(c) Sagredo.
(d) Andrea.

Short Answer Questions

1. What philosopher does Galileo and Andrea study in regard to objects floating?

2. What does the Pope tell the Inquisitor that he will not have destroyed?

3. At the end of Scene X, what has the Pope finished doing?

4. What is the date at the opening of Scene XI?

5. Who does the monk say that he has to have permission from before Galileo can see an eye doctor?

(see the answer keys)

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