Gabriela, Clove and Cinnamon Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Gabriela, Clove and Cinnamon Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 154 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who informs Nacib that Colonel Ribeirinho has offered Gabriela a house and jewelry?
(a) Tuísca.
(b) Tonico Bastos.
(c) Lazy Chico.
(d) Dona Arminda.

2. What does Colonel Altino advise Tonico Bastos to do?
(a) To sabotage Mundinho's political campaign.
(b) To stay with his father and obey him.
(c) To convince his father to compromise with Mundinho.
(d) To abandon his father and work on behalf of Mundinho.

3. Who shoots Colonel Aristóteles Pires in the chest?
(a) Whitey.
(b) Fagundes.
(c) Colonel Amâncio Leal.
(d) Clemente.

4. What type of bird does Nacib purchase for Gabriela?
(a) A cardinal.
(b) A canary.
(c) An oriole.
(d) A finch.

5. To which two historical figures does the Doctor compare the men responsible for the burning of the Ilhéus Daily?
(a) Napoleon and Toussaint L'Ouverture.
(b) Ivan the Terrible and Czar Nicholas I.
(c) Joan of Arc and Goliath.
(d) Torquemada and Nero.

6. At the dance for the inauguration for the new headquarters of the Commerical Association, with whom does Malvina dance every dance?
(a) Mundinho.
(b) Rômulo.
(c) Osmundo.
(d) Nacib.

7. What does Malvina want to do when she finishes school at the end of the year?
(a) Become a midwife.
(b) Get married.
(c) Go to medical school.
(d) Work in an office.

8. What literary nickname does Iracema give to Malvina?
(a) The Black Widow.
(b) The Bronze Virgin.
(c) The Rose of Jerico.
(d) Sherezade.

9. Mundinho Falção announces his candidacy for what office?
(a) Head of the Municipal Council.
(b) Mayor.
(c) Federal congressman.
(d) Governor.

10. After experimenting with modernism, to what doctrine does Professor Josué convert?
(a) Marxism.
(b) Anarchism.
(c) Socialism.
(d) Spiritism.

11. Felipe gets drunk once every year to commemorate what event?
(a) Bastille Day.
(b) His birthday.
(c) The death of his wife.
(d) The death of his brother.

12. Whom does Gabriela run into at the circus?
(a) Tonico Bastos.
(b) Professor Josué.
(c) The Doctor.
(d) The Captain.

13. What event does Colonel Ramiro Bastos attend against his doctor's orders?
(a) The inauguration of the library.
(b) The inauguration of the El Dorado cabaret.
(c) The lecture by the federal examination supervisor.
(d) The inauguration of the Nativity tableau.

14. Who tells Nacib that he will convince Gabriela to hire a maid?
(a) Father Basílio.
(b) Dona Arminda.
(c) Tonico Bastos.
(d) Tuísca.

15. Why does the woman attack Gabriela in The Big Noise?
(a) She thinks Gabriela is trying to get Whitey in trouble.
(b) She thinks Gabriela is sleeping with Whitey.
(c) She thinks Gabriela is trying to get her fired.
(d) She thinks Gabriela is trying to steal from her.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who was Gabriela's first lover?

2. What position is the Captain given after he loses the position of official orator?

3. What bar does Tonico frequent after the incident between him and Gabriela?

4. What part of the sandbar project do the townspeople never tire of watching?

5. Who attends the party after the federal examination supervisor's lecture and causes an uproar?

(see the answer keys)

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