From Russia With Love Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

From Russia With Love Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who invades the gypsy compound?
(a) The faceless ones
(b) Russians
(c) Greek gangsters
(d) Ninjas

2. What is the fight between the two women interrupted by?
(a) A gunshot
(b) A loud engine
(c) A scream
(d) An explosion

3. Why is Tatiana offended by Bond?
(a) He is too personal
(b) He turns to business straight away
(c) He is too shy
(d) He does not look at her body

4. What does Bond feel overwhelmed by?
(a) Turkish food
(b) Turkish women
(c) Kerim's hospitality
(d) Seeing Tatiana

5. What does the Russian try to do when he can find his passport?
(a) Show his Russian ID
(b) Pull out his gun
(c) Runaway
(d) Bribe the official

6. What kind of vehicle follows Bond and Kerim?
(a) A van
(b) A motor scooter
(c) A motorbike
(d) A truck

7. Who does Kerim not trust?
(a) Tatiana
(b) Bond
(c) Grant
(d) M

8. Where does the chauffeur take Bond?
(a) Another hotel
(b) The local MI5 station
(c) Russian offices
(d) An army base

9. Who has also joined Bond and Tatiana aboard the train?
(a) Klebb
(b) General G
(c) M
(d) Kerim

10. Why does Bond feel more relaxed in this chapter?
(a) The Russians are gone
(b) He has had a drink
(c) He has had a sleep
(d) Tatiana has kissed him

11. Who killed Kerim?
(a) Grant
(b) The third Russian
(c) Klebb
(d) Tatiana

12. What does Bond promise to do if they allow him to watch the fight?
(a) Not to stop it
(b) Not to laugh
(c) Not to write about it
(d) To referee it

13. What does Kerim intend to steal from another Russian?
(a) His wallet
(b) His bag
(c) His gun
(d) His passport

14. What is the British agent's name?
(a) Gash
(b) Nash
(c) Jackson
(d) Regal

15. How is the agent related to Kerim?
(a) His son
(b) His cousin
(c) His son in law
(d) His brother

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Bond's new name on his passport?

2. What is the article about that the man shows Bond in the newspaper?

3. Where is the gun hidden that Bond shoots Grant with?

4. Who does Bond stand guard over at night?

5. Why do the gypsies hesitate to allow Bond into the compound?

(see the answer keys)

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