The French Lieutenant's Woman Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The French Lieutenant's Woman Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Charles do when Sam comes into his room the following morning?
(a) Apologizes
(b) Order him out of his room
(c) Curse Sam
(d) Fire Sam

2. How does Charles think about the three-word message from Sarah?
(a) As a kind of trap and threat.
(b) As a way of saying thank you.
(c) As an oxymoron like proud begging.
(d) As her way of saying good-bye.

3. What is Sarah's explanation for lying about Varguennes?
(a) That she wanted to kill herself.
(b) That when she went to him she saw him with a prostitute.
(c) That she had not lied but had not tried to stop the rumors.
(d) That she hated all men for a time after he left.

4. What decision does Charles make on his way from Exeter to Lyme?
(a) Not to marry Ernestina.
(b) To fire Sam.
(c) Never to see Sarah again.
(d) To collect Ernestina and return to London the next day.

5. What is Sarah's reaction to Charles' guilt?
(a) She calls him stupid and behind the times.
(b) She accuses him of being like the French Lieutenant.
(c) She says all she wants is his happiness.
(d) She says she cannot believe he is like Mrs. Poulteney.

6. What does Dr. Grogan do in his speech to Charles?
(a) Shames Charles for his stupidity.
(b) He paints a picture of Sarah as an opportunist who had led Charles on.
(c) Suggests that Charles run away with Sarah.
(d) Admits to having an affair himself with Sarah.

7. To what does Knowles compare Charles' official decision to go ahead with his marriage to Ernestina?
(a) His decision to become a tradesman.
(b) His decision to confess to the vicar.
(c) His official decision once to take Holy Orders.
(d) His decision to go and look for Sarah.

8. When she couldn't sleep, what does Ernestina decide to do?
(a) Go to the kitchen and eat.
(b) Go for a walk.
(c) Go look for Aunt Tranter.
(d) Write in her diary.

9. What shocks Charles during his interview with Mr. Freeman?
(a) Freeman suggests decreasing Ernestina's dowry.
(b) Freeman offers him a job in his business.
(c) Mr. Freeman tells Charles that Ernestina is adopted.
(d) Freeman offers to buy Charles a title.

10. What does Knowles say modern society has destroyed by throwing over the aura of mystery about sex?
(a) The openness to talk about it
(b) The pleasure
(c) The shame
(d) The need for it

11. How does Charles explain himself to Sam?
(a) That he is there on the instruction of Dr. Grogan.
(b) That he has volunteered for the search party.
(c) That he has come to tell Sarah never to bother him again.
(d) That he accidentally heard someone in the shed and went in to see who it was.

12. How does Sam try to start gossip with Mrs. Rogers at the Kensington house?
(a) By name dropping
(b) By asking questions of Mrs. Rogers
(c) By leaving letters and telegrams lying around
(d) By hinting there are many other things afoot in Charles' life

13. How does Dr. Grogan threaten Charles?
(a) That if he does not leave within the hour he will return with the largest horse whip he can find.
(b) That he will tell everyone what Charles has done if he doesn't leave Lyme.
(c) That he will sign the papers sending Charles to the insane assylum.
(d) That he will help Ernestina sue for breach of promise and see charles ruined.

14. What does Sam tell Charles he wants two hundred and eighty pounds for?
(a) To buy a shop.
(b) So he can marry Mary.
(c) To keep quiet about Sarah.
(d) To leave and find another employer.

15. What happens after that first kiss?
(a) Charles panics and runs out of her room.
(b) Overcome with passion, Charles tears off his clothes and makes love to her.
(c) Sarah asks him to carry her to her bed before he leaves.
(d) Charles removes Sarah's shawl and night gown.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is Aunt Tranter affected in all of the problems?

2. After Charles discovers that Sarah has vanished, who intrudes in his railway compartment?

3. What is the outcome of Charles' interview with Ernestina's father, Mr. Freeman?

4. Where does Sam go to work?

5. What does Charles decide to do?

(see the answer keys)

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