The French Lieutenant's Woman Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The French Lieutenant's Woman Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To what animal does Charles compare himself at the time?
(a) A feral cat who must make his way by stealth and cunning.
(b) The hedgehog who curls up in a ball and erects its spines of aristocracy.
(c) A pampered Pekinese dependant on his future father-in-law.
(d) A serpent that devours everyone around him.

2. Where is Charles twenty months later?
(a) In America
(b) Traveling abroad
(c) Back in Exeter
(d) In the French Foreign Legion

3. Where does the cab deliver Charles and the prostitute?
(a) At Chrale's Kensington home
(b) At her flat
(c) At a bordello
(d) At a cheap hotel

4. How does Sam try to start gossip with Mrs. Rogers at the Kensington house?
(a) By name dropping
(b) By hinting there are many other things afoot in Charles' life
(c) By leaving letters and telegrams lying around
(d) By asking questions of Mrs. Rogers

5. What gimmick does Knowles use as an ending of the story in Chapter 44?
(a) The breakup of Charles' engagement to Ernestine.
(b) A flashback to the time Ernestine was sixteen.
(c) A story within a story that has no ending.
(d) The story as it would have been written in Victorian England.

6. What is the outcome of Charles' interview with Ernestina's father, Mr. Freeman?
(a) Mr. Freeman increases Ernestina's dowry.
(b) Charles cannot bring himself to tell the truth.
(c) Mr. Freeman does not object to Charles' change in fortune.
(d) He withdraws his offer of Ernestina's hand in marriage.

7. Why does Mrs. Endicott allow Charles to go up to Sarah's room?
(a) She thinks he is Sarah's lawyer.
(b) She thinks he is Sarah's brother.
(c) She thinks he is a doctor.
(d) She takes a bribe from Charles.

8. Why does Charles go to Dr. Grogan?
(a) To get his emotional support .
(b) To see if he has lost his mind.
(c) To get him to go see about Ernestina.
(d) To get the doctor to deny the rumors of his breakup.

9. What does Dr. Grogan suggest?
(a) That Dr. Grogan himself goes to find out what Sarah really wants.
(b) That Charles see Sarah and make up his mind who he loves.
(c) That he will handle the matter with Sarah and Charles must go away.
(d) That Charles insists on eloping with Ernestina at once.

10. What does Knowles explain the Victorian ending is all about?
(a) A means of explaining the Victorian mentality.
(b) Charles' imagination of how things would end.
(c) Ernestina's dream the night before Charles returns to Lyme.
(d) An exercise in literary speculation.

11. What is in the letter from Dr. Grogan?
(a) The thought that there is no need for confession or absolution.
(b) Information that Sarah has left Lyme.
(c) His report that the whole community is talking about charles.
(d) A suggestion of how he can continue with Sarah in secret.

12. What does Sarah suggest Mrs. Poulteney do with her severance pay?
(a) Buy some rum and drink it.
(b) Buy an instrument of torture to use on the staff.
(c) Put it in the church collection plate.
(d) Give it to Mrs. Fairley for services rendered.

13. After the prostitute gets into bed, Charles stares down at her and asks her name. What is her answer?
(a) Victoria
(b) Mary
(c) Ernestina
(d) Sarah

14. Where does Sam go to work?
(a) In Mr. Freeman's store
(b) In the Whie Lion Inn
(c) For the Duke of Windsor
(d) At Sir Robert's estate

15. After impulsively kissing Sarah, what does Charles do?
(a) Tells her to go to the White Lion and wait for him.
(b) Lays her down on the hay and makes love to her.
(c) Suggests that she go to London as his mistress.
(d) Pushes Sarah away and runs out of the shed.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Charles going to London?

2. How is Aunt Tranter affected in all of the problems?

3. How does Dr. Grogan threaten Charles?

4. Who does Charles meet face-to-face as he exits the shed?

5. In the Victorian ending, what becomes of Mrs. Poulteney?

(see the answer keys)

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