The French Lieutenant's Woman Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The French Lieutenant's Woman Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Knowles picture Sam?
(a) He is a man who cannot understand Charles' jokes.
(b) He is humbly devoted to Charles and not into self aggrandizement.
(c) He is an older man with a great deal of polish.
(d) He is young, fond of idling, and always has a straw or sprig of parsley in his mouth.

2. What does Knowles say is the most common symptom of wealth in 1867?
(a) Indulgence.
(b) Boredom.
(c) Neurosis.
(d) Responsibility.

3. How does Ernestina react to Charles' suggestion that they elope and go to Paris?
(a) She calls the idea wickedness.
(b) She runs to pack her bag.
(c) She faints and falls into a chair.
(d) She laughs uproarously.

4. Where does Charles establish his quarters after his father's death?
(a) In Essex.
(b) In Wales.
(c) In Kensington.
(d) In Balmory.

5. What does Sarah tell Mrs. Talbot before she leaves?
(a) That she is going back to school.
(b) That her brother is coming to Lyme and she will teach his children.
(c) That she needs to go to London for a higher position.
(d) That Varguennes is returning from France to marry her.

6. What rests on a table at the bay window of Dr. Grogan's house?
(a) Surgical instruments.
(b) A copy of Grey's Anatomy.
(c) A Gregorian telescope.
(d) A collection of fossils.

7. What shop in Lyme is somewhat famous?
(a) The Old Fossit Shop.
(b) The Curious Cigar Shop.
(c) The Wicker Shop.
(d) The Lyme Stationery Shop.

8. What does Sarah think about Christians?
(a) She thinks they are very intelligent.
(b) She thinks they are charitable.
(c) She thinks they are crueller than heathens.
(d) She thinks they will help her.

9. What is Knowles' opinion of the way Charles is dressed for his brisk walk?
(a) Not heavy enough for the Dorset weather.
(b) Perfectly appropriate.
(c) Modern and ahead of the times.
(d) Overly Victorian in its utility.

10. What does Mrs. Poulteney insist as requisites for a companion?
(a) She must have impeccable moral character and no relatives.
(b) She must be willing to attend church every Sabbath.
(c) She must be willing to work for a pittance.
(d) She must have a higher education and good references.

11. What title did Charles' grandfather hold?
(a) Duke.
(b) Earl.
(c) Baronet.
(d) Laird.

12. What revelation does Sarah make to Charles about the French lieutenant?
(a) That he beat her before he left England.
(b) That he is the father of her child.
(c) That he has never even written to her.
(d) That he is married.

13. What is Sarah's position in Charmouth?
(a) Librarian.
(b) Governess.
(c) Housekeeper.
(d) Milk maid.

14. What does Knowles say has served as a substitute for experience in Sarah Woodruff?
(a) Lectures from her father.
(b) Her first class education.
(c) Fiction and poetry.
(d) The advice of older women.

15. On the bright, sunny morning in Lyme, how does Ernestina awaken?
(a) Too late to see Charles who had already left for a walk.
(b) Bright and bubbly, anxious to see Charles.
(c) Afraid that exposure to sunlight would darken her skin.
(d) In a mood that the brilliance of the morning only aggravated.

Short Answer Questions

1. After Sarah goes to work for Mrs. Poulteney, how does she size up her employer?

2. What expression applied to a boy or girl is guaranteed to despoil their reputation for life?

3. What characteristics make Aunt Tranter very special?

4. How does Knowles use these changes to invite suspense?

5. What does Charles observe inside the house?

(see the answer keys)

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