Frank Miller's Sin City the Hard Goodbye Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Frank Miller's Sin City the Hard Goodbye Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What impresses Marv about the Mercedes?
(a) It handles well.
(b) It smells nice.
(c) His blood does not stain the seat.
(d) The radio is set to a country station.

2. How did Marv torture the man who hired Tommy?
(a) Dangled him out of a window.
(b) Burned him.
(c) Drowned him in a toilet.
(d) Dragged him on the ground from the moving car.

3. What is significant about what is strewn about the street when Marv finally leaves his room in Chapter 5?
(a) Marv sees the evidence of a recent gun fight.
(b) The streets are completely cleaned up.
(c) Marv sees wanted posters with his picture.
(d) There are bodies everywhere.

4. How does Marv manage to return to the streets after escaping the police in Chapter 3?
(a) He disguises himself as a police officer.
(b) He leaves a false trail for the police to follow.
(c) He takes the long way around to Lucille's apartment.
(d) He climbs up a manhole.

5. When Marv tells Lucille that he fought some cops, what does she ask in return?
(a) Whether they knew he was at her apartment.
(b) Whether Marv should have really fought them.
(c) Whether they deserved it.
(d) Whether he killed anyone.

6. What does Marv note about the condition of Goldie's dead body?
(a) She has been shot several times.
(b) She has been burned.
(c) There are no marks on her.
(d) She has been stabbed.

7. What container does Marv carry on him in Chapter 2?
(a) Prescription pill bottle.
(b) Cigarette case.
(c) Flask.
(d) Water bottle.

8. To whom do the police answer?
(a) The underworld.
(b) The police captain.
(c) The law.
(d) Whoever pays them.

9. Upon what events from his past does Marv reflect as being partially healed by his night with Goldie?
(a) War.
(b) His suicide attempts.
(c) Attack by Roark's men.
(d) Car accident.

10. What does Marv hesitate to question about Goldie in the beginning of "The Hard Goodbye"?
(a) What she does for a living.
(b) Why he saw her double on the street earlier.
(c) Why she is with him.
(d) If she is on drugs.

11. What kind of car does the priest drive?
(a) Mercedes.
(b) Taurus.
(c) Vision.
(d) Bentley.

12. What does Marv sense as he walks away from Kadie's?
(a) Someone is watching him.
(b) He is completely alone.
(c) Goldie's scent.
(d) He is about to be killed.

13. Why does Marv profess to like hit men?
(a) He knows they will be honest with him.
(b) They are honest about their jobs.
(c) He used to be a hit man.
(d) He can hurt them without remorse.

14. What does Marv realize he needs at the end of Chapter 4?
(a) Sleep.
(b) Liquor.
(c) Money.
(d) Food.

15. Where did Goldie pick up Marv before bringing him to the hotel?
(a) A strip club.
(b) Jail.
(c) The church.
(d) A saloon.

Short Answer Questions

1. As the sun goes down in Chapter 5, what does Marv suggest the ordinary citizens of Sin City attempt to do every night?

2. Why does the bouncer initially try to tell Marv to leave?

3. When making his escape from the hotel, where is Marv shot?

4. According to Marv, his torture of Goldie's murderer will be so horrible, ____ will be a relief.

5. What confuses Marv about Lucille?

(see the answer keys)

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