Frank Miller's Sin City the Hard Goodbye Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Frank Miller's Sin City the Hard Goodbye Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who runs Marv down outside of the church?
(a) The priest.
(b) The woman who looks like Goldie.
(c) Roark.
(d) Lucille.

2. Where does Marv land after escaping the hotel?
(a) Alleyway.
(b) Rooftop of a restaurant.
(c) Police car.
(d) Swimming pool.

3. How long does Marv sleep after making love to Goldie?
(a) Two hours.
(b) Four hours.
(c) Three hours.
(d) Five hours.

4. When Marv is cornered by the police car after escaping from the hotel, what does he break on it?
(a) The side mirrors.
(b) The windshield.
(c) The headlights.
(d) The flashing lights.

5. What does Marv hesitate to question about Goldie in the beginning of "The Hard Goodbye"?
(a) Why he saw her double on the street earlier.
(b) Why she is with him.
(c) If she is on drugs.
(d) What she does for a living.

6. How does Marv convince the priest to give him the name of the person who ordered Goldie's death?
(a) He threatens to burn down the confessional.
(b) He threatens to go to the newspaper with the story.
(c) He lets the priest hear him cocking his pistol.
(d) He holds the priest underwater.

7. When Marv tells Lucille that he fought some cops, what does she ask in return?
(a) Whether they deserved it.
(b) Whether he killed anyone.
(c) Whether they knew he was at her apartment.
(d) Whether Marv should have really fought them.

8. What does Marv break when he finally escapes from the hotel in Chapter 2?
(a) Television.
(b) Window.
(c) Vase.
(d) Desk.

9. Why is Marv afraid to trust his senses at the end of Chapter 5?
(a) He forgot to take his medicine.
(b) He hit his head on the asphalt.
(c) He is still very drunk.
(d) He is in a lot of pain from being shot.

10. What is a significant descriptor of Kadie?
(a) Transvestite.
(b) Transsexual.
(c) Mobster.
(d) Prostitute.

11. How does Marv climb up to Lucille's apartment?
(a) He has nails embedded into his boots.
(b) He has a grappling hook.
(c) He finds a ladder.
(d) He hangs by the bricks.

12. How did Marv torture the man who hired Tommy?
(a) Burned him.
(b) Dragged him on the ground from the moving car.
(c) Drowned him in a toilet.
(d) Dangled him out of a window.

13. About what does Marv pay a complement to one of the hit men who finds him in Kadie's?
(a) His gun.
(b) His shoes.
(c) His tie.
(d) His coat.

14. What does Marv believe about the woman who hit him with her car?
(a) He is hallucinating.
(b) It is someone playing a cruel prank on him.
(c) It is Goldie's sister.
(d) It is Goldie.

15. What does the arrival of the police officers in Chapter 1 indicate to Marv?
(a) He is being framed.
(b) The murderer has been caught already.
(c) Goldie screamed for help.
(d) He could turn the case over to them.

Short Answer Questions

1. With what aspect of Goldie is Marv most taken?

2. Into what does Marv swim after driving the car off the pier?

3. How does Lucille procure medication for Marv?

4. As the sun goes down in Chapter 5, what does Marv suggest the ordinary citizens of Sin City attempt to do every night?

5. Why did Marv go to a church in Chapter 5?

(see the answer keys)

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