Four Major Plays Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Four Major Plays Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why has Solness kept Kaja employed?
(a) She is excellent at her job and he could ask for no one better.
(b) He is in love with her and wants to marry her.
(c) He made a promise to her father that he would take care of her.
(d) He wants to keep Ragnar under his thumb.

2. What news does Tesman's note bring?
(a) He has been granted the university job.
(b) His Aunt Rina is close to death.
(c) His Aunt Julle is coming to visit.
(d) His friend Mr. Brack has been killed.

3. What does Hedda finally do with the manuscript?
(a) She gives it back to Tesman.
(b) She claims it as her own and publishes it.
(c) She burns it in the fireplace.
(d) She gives it back to Lovborg.

4. What does Lovborg tell Mrs. Elvsted about the manuscript?
(a) He tells her he lost it and begs her forgiveness.
(b) He tells her it has been bought by a publishing company.
(c) He tells her Hedda has stolen it.
(d) He tells her he was disgusted with it and destroyed it.

5. What excuse does Hedda give about her former relationship with Lovborg?
(a) She claims she was a sheltered young girl curious about the world.
(b) She claims he took complete and unsolicited advantage of her.
(c) She claims her father meant for them to be together.
(d) She claims her love for Ejlert could not be contained.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Hedda tell Tesman she burned the manuscript?

2. Why is Tesman in competition with Lovborg?

3. What destroyed Solness and Aline's original home?

4. How does Hedda die?

5. Who, probably, actually is the woman who inspired Lovborg's book?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are the factors that, combined, mean such despair for Hedda that she must end her life?

2. What does Mrs. Elvsted confess to Hedda?

3. Ultimately, why does Solness finally grant Ragnar's request?

4. How does Lovborg take his leave of Mrs. Elvsted?

5. What imminent threat does Tesman face now that Lovborg has a successful book?

6. What does Hedda admit she wants control of?

7. Why has Hilde sought Solness out?

8. What are Hedda's feelings about Tesman's aunts?

9. How did Solness and Aline's children die?

10. What does Hedda claim spurred her original interest in Ejlert Lovborg, years ago?

(see the answer keys)

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