Four Major Plays Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Four Major Plays Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What letter does Torvald ask Helene to mail?
(a) A letter containing Krogstad's notice.
(b) A letter to Torvald's mother.
(c) A letter containing Nora's forgery.
(d) A letter containing Dr. Rank's will.

2. What kind of man was Mr. Alving?
(a) He was a debauched drunk and indiscreet cheater.
(b) He was a jolly fellow with many friends who always visited.
(c) He was a sainted man who never touched alcohol.
(d) He was a distant, solemn man who rarely spoke or entertained.

3. What daily responsibility does Nora have trouble managing, according to Torvald?
(a) She cannot manage money.
(b) She cannot manage the kitchen.
(c) She cannot manage the children.
(d) She cannot manage the horses.

4. Who is Oswald convinced would help him kill himself?
(a) Regine.
(b) Pastor Manders.
(c) Mrs. Alving.
(d) Engstrand.

5. Why is the Pastor hesitant about getting the orphanage insured?
(a) He is worried about the cost of insurance.
(b) He is worried about what people in the area will think.
(c) He is worried that the orphans will not be able to pay.
(d) He is worried about all the work he would have to do.

6. What event is Dr. Rank very frank about with Nora?
(a) He is casual about his former lover.
(b) He is casual about his impending death.
(c) He is very frank about his love for Mrs. Rank.
(d) He is very frank about his money.

7. What does Oswald think will happen to any attempted memorial of his father?
(a) He thinks the plans will never come to fruition.
(b) He thinks the memorial will burn.
(c) He thinks the plans will be flooded, like the orphanage.
(d) He thinks the memorial will be exalted by the community.

8. Why did Mrs. Alving marry Captain Alving?
(a) She was desperately in love with him and could not live without him.
(b) She felt sorry for him because he was so in love with her.
(c) Her mother and sisters said she would be a fool to pass up his offer.
(d) Her lover's life was on the line and Alving offered him redemption.

9. What is Torvald concerned about saving from their relationship?
(a) He is concerned about preserving their public appearance.
(b) He is concerned about saving his sanity.
(c) He is concerned about saving Dr. Rank from her treachery.
(d) He is concerned about saving her clothing for his next wife.

10. What feelings does Dr. Rank confess to Nora?
(a) He confesses he is in love with her.
(b) He confesses he is jealous of Helene.
(c) He confesses he dislikes Torvald.
(d) He confesses he truly hates her.

11. What trait in herself does Mrs. Alving regret?
(a) She feels she has been too altruistic.
(b) She feels she has been selfish and controlling.
(c) She feels she has been completely immoral.
(d) She feels she has been a coward.

12. What does Engstrand want the Pastor to do with the remainder of Alving's money?
(a) He wants him to give it to Mrs. Alving.
(b) He wants him to invest in the seamen's home.
(c) He wants him to pay for Regine and Oswald's wedding.
(d) He wants him to rebuild the orphanage.

13. Who does Dr. Rank think will replace him in the Helmer house?
(a) Helene.
(b) Krogstad.
(c) Mrs. Linde.
(d) Hedda Gabler.

14. Who does Mrs. Alving credit with her intellectual awakening?
(a) She credits Oswald, whose zest for art has been her saving grace.
(b) She credits Mr. Alving, whose morality and generosity she always envied.
(c) She credits Pastor Manders, whose advice forced her to reexamine the system.
(d) She credits Regine, whose love for her son warms her heart.

15. To what does Nora compare her and Torvald's life?
(a) She compares their marriage and home to a doll house.
(b) She compares their lives to the bank.
(c) She compares their lives to Dr. Rank's death.
(d) She compares their marriage and home to Krogstad's tragedy.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of Mrs. Alving's possessions does the Pastor disapprove of?

2. What is Torvald unwilling to sacrifice, but Nora claims that thousands of women have to?

3. What excuse does Mrs. Alving give for Mr. Alving's behavior?

4. Who is Regine's biological parent?

5. What favor does Krogstad ask of Nora?

(see the answer keys)

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