Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation Test | Final Test - Medium

Joseph Ellis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Founding Brothers: The Revolutionary Generation Test | Final Test - Medium

Joseph Ellis
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who did some people think actually authored the letter without input from George Washington?
(a) Thomas Jefferson.
(b) Alexander Hamilton.
(c) Martha Washington.
(d) Sally Hemings.

2. What heritages were represented in the Seal of the United States designed by Adams, Franklin and Jefferson?
(a) Italian, English, Haitian and Filipino.
(b) English, German, and Dutch.
(c) English, Scottish, Irish, French, German and Dutch.
(d) English only.

3. What suggestion did George Washington want in the Farewell Address, but Hamilton talked him out of?
(a) Establishment of a large obelisk as a monument to him in the capital city.
(b) Establishment of the Internal Revenue Service.
(c) National health care.
(d) Establishment of a national university in the capital city.

4. What was the subject of the petitions to the House of Representatives that caused so much controversy on February 11, 1790?
(a) Declaring November 25 the official date to celebrate Thanksgiving.
(b) Declaring December 25 the official date of Christmas.
(c) Ending the African slave trade in the USA.
(d) Revoking the women's right to vote.

5. When George Washington wrote to the Cherokee Nation, what did he recommend that they do?
(a) Move further west.
(b) Give up their hunting lifestyle and embrace farming as a way of life.
(c) Marry white people.
(d) Move to Mexico.

Short Answer Questions

1. When did George Washington leave office?

2. What acts are considered to be the worst blunders of the John Adams presidency?

3. What was the religious preference of the delegations that presented the petitions?

4. Who was the second Vice President?

5. What office did John Adams have in George Washington's Presidency?

Short Essay Questions

1. How serious would it have been if South Carolina and Georgia seceded from the Union in 1790?

2. Why was the marriage between John and Abigail Adams so unusual?

3. What role did Madison and Hamilton play in their contributions to the Washington Farewell Address?

4. Why did Jefferson make an ineffective Vice President to Adams?

5. Describe Washington physically as well as the legend surrounding him.

6. Why did the Federalist party disappear and the Republican party remain?

7. Discuss in detail the reasons Washington decided to retire from public office.

8. Why did Adams suggest that the President be referred to as "His Majesty"?

9. How did James Madison, statesman from Virginia, treat the subject of slavery?

10. Why do you think the framers of the Constitution placed a moratorium on laws regarding slavery until 1808?

(see the answer keys)

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