Foucault's Pendulum Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Foucault's Pendulum Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Lorenza?
(a) A young woman with whom Belbo fell in love.
(b) Diotallevi's sister.
(c) Casaubon's research partner.
(d) Belbo's nickname for his computer.

2. Lorenza claims, in Chapter 49, that Aglie gave her what item?
(a) An old and valuable text.
(b) An elixir.
(c) A chalice.
(d) A piece of parchment.

3. What happened to the political radicals in Milan, while Casaubon was away?
(a) They rioted and were driven out of the city, and now communicate via encoded messages.
(b) They staged a coup, and overthrew the city's government.
(c) Most of them were arrested, and the rest formed an underground society.
(d) They migrated away from politics, and toward psychology and transcendental meditation.

4. What happened to the leader of the Knights Templar?
(a) He repented of his misdeeds, and was pardoned by the King.
(b) He was burned at the stake.
(c) He escaped persecution, and was never heard from again.
(d) He died while being tortured for a confession.

5. Casaubon compares Aglie to whom?
(a) Belbo.
(b) Ardenti.
(c) Cagliostro.
(d) Diotallevi.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Mr. Garamond's office connected to Garamond Press by a secret passageway?

2. What job does Casaubon get in Chapter 37?

3. In what year were the Knights Templar arrested?

4. Which member of Casaubon's group leaves to go home before arriving at the ritual?

5. What does Aglie tell Casaubon about himself?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Belbo tell Casaubon during their phone call two days before the museum rendezvous?

2. What does Casaubon witness at the ceremonies Aglie invited him and his group to?

3. How does Casaubon unlock Belbo's computer?

4. What are the two publishing companies run by Mr. Garamond?

5. How did the Knights Templar become such a rich and powerful organization?

6. What is Project Hermes?

7. How do Belbo and Casaubon become involved with the police, in Chapter 24?

8. What is the Plan?

9. Why do Belbo, Diotallevi and Casaubon meet at Pilade's in Chapter 13?

10. Who is Casaubon?

(see the answer keys)

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