For One More Day Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

For One More Day Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the day that Chick wanted back?
(a) The birth of his daughter.
(b) The day his father left.
(c) The day he quit baseball.
(d) His mother's seventy-ninth birthday.

2. Who does Posey brag about as she works on Rose's hair?
(a) Chick, her son.
(b) Roberta, her daughter.
(c) Marie, her granddaughter.
(d) Catherine, her daughter-in-law.

3. What does Miss Thelma say will be her legacy after she dies?
(a) Her friends.
(b) Her children.
(c) Her grandchildren's laughter.
(d) Her reputation for hard work.

4. Why does Posey tell Chick in Section 3: Part 2 that she did not want to ask for money from his father?
(a) She did not need any more from him.
(b) She was too proud.
(c) She did not need money.
(d) He did not have it.

5. After a night in which Posey thought she heard an intruder in the night, why does Chick say he will be angry with his mother until he leaves that house?
(a) He believes his mother did not protect him well enough.
(b) He believes his mother made up the story of an intruder to hide a boyfriend.
(c) He believes it was his mother's fault they were all placed in that danger.
(d) He believes his father tried to come home and she sent him away.

6. What dish does this Italian woman make that Posey thinks Len Benetto always wanted over Posey's version of the same dish?
(a) Macaroni.
(b) Fettucini.
(c) Spaghetti.
(d) Ziti.

7. What injury did Chick suffer during spring training while playing professional baseball?
(a) A broken arm.
(b) A broken leg.
(c) A knee injury.
(d) An elbow injury.

8. What does Miss Thelma's family think she is doing?
(a) Talking to a friend on the phone.
(b) Working a crossword.
(c) Sleeping.
(d) Making dinner.

9. When Chick's father asks to drive him home from a college baseball game, what does he do that causes Chick to feel all is right with the world?
(a) Shows respect for the coach.
(b) Offers to pay for a new glove.
(c) Explains his decision for not seeing Chick throughout his childhood.
(d) Apologizes for leaving the family.

10. What three things did Posey once tell Chick he needed to be successful?
(a) Good support, lots of money, and love.
(b) Intelligence, hard work, and good support.
(c) Belief, hard work, and love.
(d) Hard work, good money, and intelligence.

11. How does Chick come to accept the events taking place after he jumped from the water tower?
(a) He thought he had jumped through a time warp.
(b) He thinks he is dead.
(c) He decides it is a hallucination and he should go with it.
(d) He called it temporary insanity.

12. What does Posey tell Chick in a note just after he began college is not a license to be mean to girls?
(a) His financial status.
(b) His intelligence.
(c) His handsomness.
(d) His athletic ability.

13. Why does Chick not allow his mother to go up to his dorm room with him?
(a) He does not want her to be oogled by his roommate.
(b) He is embarrassed by her presence.
(c) He is afraid she will make a fool of herself.
(d) He does not want her in his personal space.

14. What does Posey say children often do when they are hurting?
(a) Hurt others.
(b) Act out in school.
(c) Torture their siblings.
(d) Hide their feelings.

15. Who is the Italian woman that Posey and Chick go to visit last?
(a) Len Benetto's wife.
(b) Len Benetto's sister.
(c) Len Benetto's cousin.
(d) Len Benetto's mother.

Short Answer Questions

1. From what team is the scout Chick meets after a game one day during college?

2. What does Chick say when his mother asks about his wife, Catherine?

3. What does Posey stress to Chick as being the most important thing in his life while he is college?

4. Who called Posey's house one afternoon while Chick was there in Section 4: Part 1?

5. What does Posey tell Chick when he confesses his guilt to her on their one more day together?

(see the answer keys)

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