Follow the River Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

James Alexander Thom
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Follow the River Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

James Alexander Thom
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 102 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is used to mark the two men with death at the slave auction?
(a) Black paint.
(b) Red paint.
(c) Blood.
(d) Leaves.

2. What does Mary eat for breakfast the first morning away from the Indians?
(a) Hickory nuts and paw-paws.
(b) Squirrel and hickory nuts.
(c) Rabbit.
(d) Cherries.

3. What do Mary and Ghetel find at the bottom of a creek?
(a) Clams
(b) A catfish.
(c) A trout.
(d) A tuna.

4. What happens to the two white captives marked for death?
(a) They are burned to death.
(b) They are released.
(c) They are shot.
(d) They are hanged.

5. What does Mary use to mark trees when she goes to collect berries and nuts?
(a) Blood.
(b) Yarn.
(c) A hatchet.
(d) Paint.

Short Answer Questions

1. What herd of animals do the Indians attack on the thirteenth day?

2. How do the Indians cross the river on the fifth day on the trail?

3. How does Will Draper feel about getting his family back in Chapter 3?

4. What do the Indians do before arriving at their camp?

5. Where do the captives sleep their first night with the Indian tribe?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Mary believe that pride is essential to the captives' survival?

2. Why does Mary think the little group of captives should keep as much dignity as possible?

3. How does Mary's pride make her blind to the situation with Chief Wildcat?

4. What are some of the problems Mary may encounter on her trip home?

5. Why does Mary want Ghetel go along to Draper's Meadow?

6. Why does Bettie become angry with Mary during the trip to the Indians' village?

7. What does Bettie think of Mary for allowing Otter Girl to nurse the baby?

8. Why is Mary surprised that Chief Wildcat sold her?

9. Why is the horse an important tool for Mary and Ghetel?

10. Why is Mary given a basket at the beginning of Chapter 7?

(see the answer keys)

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