Flowers for Algernon Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Flowers for Algernon Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happens after the woman that confronts Charlie screams in response to what he does to her?
(a) Charlie has a flash-back memory of his family.
(b) Charlie sees a halucination of a little boy again.
(c) A crowd chases after him.
(d) The woman cries.

2. Where is Charlie when a random woman offers to go home with him?
(a) The hospital.
(b) The college.
(c) A restaurant.
(d) Central Park.

3. How does Alice feel when she goes home after talking with Charlie when his IQ has surpassed her own?
(a) That it is unnatural.
(b) Like she is getting dumber.
(c) That he is being tortured.
(d) That she pushed him too hard.

4. Where does Charlie spend most of his time once he reaches the peak of his intellectual abilities?
(a) Outside in nature.
(b) With Alice.
(c) At the college.
(d) In the lab.

5. What does Charlie catch Gimpy doing at the bakery?
(a) Making smaller loafs.
(b) Stealing money.
(c) Overcharging the customers.
(d) Taking home old bread.

Short Answer Questions

1. What causes Charlie to start a fight with Nemur at the cocktail party thrown by Mrs. Nemur?

2. When does Charlie realize he is in love with Alice?

3. What does Charlie do to calm himself when he wakes up after his nightmare about Alice on the night after he tellls her he likes her?

4. What did Gimpy once give Charlie after trying to teach him to make rolls?

5. Where does Charlie go when he leaves the conference?

Short Essay Questions

1. What causes Charlie to believe that everything he has been taught might be false?

2. What flash-back memory does Charlie have on his plane ride to Chicago?

3. What happens when Charlie goes to see his father in the barbershop?

4. What prank do the guys at the bakery try to play on Charlie on April Fool's Day?

5. Why is Alice so hesitant to be in a relationship with Charlie even though she cares for him?

6. What does Charlie do at the bakery when his IQ reaches 100 that earns him a raise?

7. What does Professor Nemur say at the conference in Chicago that upsets Charlie?

8. Why did Norma's father refuse to let her have the dog she was promised if she did well on her history test?

9. What area of expertise does Charlie showcase before the conference in Chicago begins?

10. What realization does Charlie make while reading The Great Gatsby?

(see the answer keys)

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