Flowers for Algernon Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Flowers for Algernon Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Charlie when a random woman offers to go home with him?
(a) The college.
(b) A restaurant.
(c) The hospital.
(d) Central Park.

2. What surprises the would-be pranksters at the bakery?
(a) Charlie uses the dough mixer perfectly.
(b) Charlie makes people very happy by giving them free bread, and they start shopping at the bakery.
(c) Charlie checks with his boss before believing the wrong schedule.
(d) Charlie is well-liked at the bar.

3. After he tells Alice he likes her, what does Charlie have a nightmare about?
(a) Alice with a knife.
(b) Alice laughing at him.
(c) Alice covered in blood.
(d) Alice with another man.

4. How high is Charlie's IQ when he remembers the story about his sister and the History test?
(a) 185.
(b) 175.
(c) 165.
(d) 195.

5. Who observes Algernon in his old maze when Charlie returns him to the lab?
(a) Strauss.
(b) Burt.
(c) Charlie.
(d) Nemur.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Charlie's mom slap him when he holds the baby?

2. How does Fanny Biden think Charlie has become so smart all of the sudden?

3. When Charlie was younger, who pushed to keep Charlie in the normal public school system?

4. How do Alice and Fay feel about each other when they meet one night at Charlie's apartment?

5. When does Charlie first realize that women's bodies are different than men's?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Alice so hesitant to be in a relationship with Charlie even though she cares for him?

2. What happens when Charlie goes to see his father in the barbershop?

3. What does Charlie say that intelligence without affection will lead to when he is at the cocktail party with Nemur?

4. Why did Norma's father refuse to let her have the dog she was promised if she did well on her history test?

5. Why did Charlie allow himself to soil himself when he was younger?

6. What happens when Algernon is put back into his original maze when he and Charlie return to the lab?

7. What does Professor Nemur say at the conference in Chicago that upsets Charlie?

8. What is Alice really upset about when she sees Charlie at the college where she teaches retarded adults?

9. What does Charlie do at the bakery when his IQ reaches 100 that earns him a raise?

10. What causes Charlie to get upset with Burt during one of their sessions together?

(see the answer keys)

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