Flowers for Algernon Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Flowers for Algernon Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is NOT a word which Charlie uses to describe a stage of his relationship with Alice?
(a) Love.
(b) Worship.
(c) Obligation.
(d) Fondness.

2. Who denies Charlie's sister the promised reward for the A on her History test?
(a) Her uncle.
(b) Her mother.
(c) Her father.
(d) Her teacher.

3. What does Charlie do to spoil the evening when he tells Alice that he likes her?
(a) Swears.
(b) Passes gas.
(c) Drops his meal on the floor.
(d) Spills water on her.

4. Why is there a two week gap in the Progress Report?
(a) Charlie is tired of writing.
(b) Charlie is too busy reading and studying.
(c) Charlie tries to quit the program.
(d) Charlie tears up those pages as they are personal.

5. Why is Charlie not allowed to fix the errors in his earlier entries in the Progress Report?
(a) They need a record of the past.
(b) It would disrupt the process.
(c) They don't want it to upset him.
(d) They want to see his progress.

6. Where will Charlie be sent if the procedure does cause him to regress?
(a) The pyschiatric wing of the hospital.
(b) His mother's house.
(c) The Warren Home.
(d) His uncle's house.

7. How does Fanny Biden think Charlie has become so smart all of the sudden?
(a) He took some drugs.
(b) He was only pretending to be retarded before.
(c) He prayed really hard.
(d) He made a deal with the devil.

8. What kind of a joke do Charlie's friends at the bakery play on him?
(a) They tell him to make extra deliveries on his route.
(b) They tell him to use the dough mixer.
(c) They give him the wrong work schedule.
(d) They take him to a bar and get him drunk.

9. What does Charlie do that angers Alice when he picks her up from the Beekman college one day?
(a) Tries to kiss her.
(b) Calls her by her first name in front of her students.
(c) Talks to his old classmates.
(d) Swears.

10. What does Charlie say he does not want to have happen to Algernon when he is shown around the lab?
(a) Put down.
(b) Incinerated.
(c) Denied food for lack of performance.
(d) Shocked.

11. What did Gimpy once give Charlie after trying to teach him to make rolls?
(a) An empty notebook.
(b) A hot roll out of the oven.
(c) A shiny good-luck piece.
(d) A dollar.

12. Who has paid for his life of comfort should Charlie regress to where he was before the procedure?
(a) The Welburg Foundation.
(b) Mr. Donner.
(c) Professor Nemur.
(d) The Beekman College.

13. What does Charlie build for Algernon in his own furnished apartment?
(a) A cage.
(b) A running wheel.
(c) A maze.
(d) A house.

14. What does Charlie wish he could see more clearly in his past memories?
(a) His parent's faces.
(b) His house.
(c) His own body.
(d) His surroundings.

15. What are the two categories of patients at the Warren State Home and Training School?
(a) Lucid and Unconscious.
(b) Active and Inactive.
(c) Pleasant and Unpleasant.
(d) Tidy and Untidy.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Charlie think Nemur sees him as instead of a human being?

2. How do Alice and Fay feel about each other when they meet one night at Charlie's apartment?

3. What does Nemur say during the conference that enrages Charlie?

4. What does Nemur telll Charlie not to read about until Nemur says he is ready?

5. What happens after the woman that confronts Charlie screams in response to what he does to her?

(see the answer keys)

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