Florida Test | Final Test - Easy

Christine Schutt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Florida Test | Final Test - Easy

Christine Schutt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Alice learn that Mother has been doing in Part Four: Arthur-Mother?
(a) Saying Father is still alive.
(b) Pretending she has just left her husband.
(c) Lying about Father's profession.
(d) Telling people she never married.

2. Who does Alice live with at the brownstone at West 76th Street?
(a) Walter, her husband.
(b) Walter, her boyfriend.
(c) Gloria, her roommate.
(d) Gloria, her talking bird.

3. What does Alice say that Nonna felt about her children?
(a) She felt they deserved a better mother.
(b) She never wanted a second child.
(c) She adored her children.
(d) She never wanted to have children.

4. Who makes Alice a cake?
(a) Duane.
(b) Mother.
(c) Aunt Frances.
(d) Mrs. Early.

5. What does Mr. Early notice about Alice?
(a) That she shows a sensibility for literature.
(b) That she has a habit of going unnoticed.
(c) That she has an eye for art.
(d) That she looks and acts just like her mother.

6. How does Walter respond when Alice asks him to move out of her brownstone?
(a) He says he will only leave if she pays him.
(b) He promises he can change.
(c) He leaves immediately, swearing.
(d) He threatens her and hits her.

7. Why is Alice in a lawyer's office?
(a) To avoid forecolsure on her brownstone.
(b) To figure out what she owes Walter's estate.
(c) To deal with Arhtur's estate.
(d) To deal with Nonna's estate.

8. Where is Arthur when he dies, according to events in Part Four?
(a) In the river.
(b) Home.
(c) In the hospital.
(d) By the side of the road.

9. Who pays for Arthur's funeral arrangements?
(a) Uncle Billy and Aunt Frances.
(b) Arthur had money set aside.
(c) Alice sells her pearls to pay for it.
(d) Nonna's estate.

10. How does Alice say she misses her mother?
(a) Like a fish misses water.
(b) The way I think I will miss her when she dies.
(c) Like a fish misses a bicycle.
(d) The way I miss a chair when I sit down.

11. What does Mother say was true of Nonna's husband?
(a) He was a poet.
(b) He had a mistress.
(c) He was a cruel and abusive man.
(d) He was devoted to Nonna.

12. What does Alice say she misses about men in the Any House chapter?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Someone as messed up as me.
(c) Their touching ways.
(d) Their money.

13. What does Alice do with some of her inheritance?
(a) Pays for Mother's medical needs.
(b) Buys an apartment in Manhattan.
(c) Buys a house for Mother.
(d) Buys a house in Florida.

14. How does Alice describe Mr. Early when he taught high school?
(a) An endless fountain of words, energy and hope.
(b) The unexpected man who no one recognizes once he speaks.
(c) Dancing on his toes, whooping over the sounds the poet makes.
(d) Bursting out of his ill fitting suit with prose and poetry.

15. What job does Alice have when she visits Mother after Nonna's funeral?
(a) She is a waitress.
(b) She is a social worker.
(c) She is a teacher.
(d) She is a counselor.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Alice say that Nonna described Mother?

2. How is Nonna described in Part Two:The Big House-Arthur?

3. How does Alice feel about Mr. Early?

4. What does Aunt Frances confide to Alice during their last visit in the book?

5. What does Alice enjoy?

(see the answer keys)

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