Florida Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Christine Schutt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Florida Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Christine Schutt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Father die?
(a) In the river that flows under Main Street.
(b) In bed.
(c) In his car.
(d) In the ravine by the train tracks.

2. Does Alice want to live with Mother again?
(a) She is conflicted, as her life is now stable.
(b) She is angry at having to make a choice.
(c) She dreads having to live with her again.
(d) She deparately wants to live with her again.

3. What is Walter's favorite drink?
(a) Lemonade.
(b) Whiskey.
(c) Milk.
(d) Ginger ale.

4. How does Alice describe Aunt Frances' and Uncle Billy's house when she first goes to stay with them?
(a) Like a showcase home.
(b) Like a museum with off limit ropes.
(c) As a TV family house.
(d) As a no-touch house.

5. How does Alice scare Arlette when she visits her?
(a) By almost drowning in an innertube.
(b) By falling out of a tree.
(c) By teasing an angry tomcat.
(d) By choking on her dinner.

6. Who is Arthur?
(a) An employee of Aunt Frances.
(b) Mother's boss.
(c) Alice's school friend.
(d) An employee at the San.

7. What happens to Walter?
(a) He becomes a born again Christian.
(b) He is mugged and falls into a coma.
(c) He dies from a heart attack.
(d) He leaves Alice and her mother.

8. What do the unreliables say about Aunt Frances?
(a) That she is cruel.
(b) That she pays well.
(c) That she is like every white woman.
(d) That she is glad to be rid of Alice.

9. Why does Aunt Frances say that Alice should call her rather than the nurses?
(a) So Uncle Billy can lock the house when Nonna dies.
(b) So that Alice doesn't have to watch Nonna die.
(c) Because the nurses are unreliable.
(d) Because family should take care of family.

10. After her mother is gone, what does Alice say is a reason that she should still be around?
(a) She was a good mother.
(b) Father will come back looking for her.
(c) She had promised to take Alice to Florida.
(d) They share the same name.

11. Why does Alice ask Arthur to drive her to the San on a daily drive?
(a) To be close to Mother.
(b) To bring Mother homemade bread.
(c) To tell Mother she is leaving with the unreliables.
(d) To bring Mother home.

12. How does Alice say Mother sounds when she speaks?
(a) Uninflectedly, like she's thinking of something else.
(b) Quiet, like she hasn't yet woken up.
(c) Affected, like she is searching for the proper accent.
(d) Excitedly; she seems to echo off the walls.

13. What is true about Nonna?
(a) She has fostered over 20 children.
(b) She cannot speak.
(c) She is blind.
(d) She is very active and loves to swim.

14. Who is Miss O'Boyle?
(a) The woman Nonna works for.
(b) Alice's social worker.
(c) Nonna's nurse.
(d) Mother's nurse.

15. What type of feeling does Walter bring to Alice's home?
(a) Hope.
(b) Security.
(c) Sadness.
(d) Fear.

Short Answer Questions

1. How old is Alice when her father dies?

2. What is the San?

3. What does Alice ask Arthur when he looks tired?

4. What best describes Walter and Mother's relationship?

5. What does Florida represent to Alice and mother?

(see the answer keys)

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