Florida Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Christine Schutt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Florida Quiz | One Week Quiz A

Christine Schutt
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 3: West Seventy-Six - Mother.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Arthur say about Mother in her defense in Part One?
(a) That her gift was creativity, not accounting.
(b) That she was generous and gave things away.
(c) That she loved to shop for gifts.
(d) That she understood money was meant to spread joy.

2. What does Aunt Frances tell Alice that there are rules about that she needs to learn?
(a) Dressing and fashion.
(b) Manners.
(c) Speaking to adults.
(d) The Upper Class.

3. What does Alice promise herself in Part One, when she is 12?
(a) That she will be a poet like Father.
(b) That she won't let Aunt Frances have Mother's jewelry.
(c) That she will live with Mother again.
(d) That she will not be like Mother.

4. What does Arthur say that Mother asked him to do on the way to the San?
(a) Stop for a milkshake.
(b) Take her home.
(c) Drive faster.
(d) Take her out of state.

5. What does Alice express to Mother during their conversation about Aunt Frances and Uncle Billy in Part Three: West 76th Street?
(a) Determination never to become like Mother.
(b) Relief that Mother lost custody of her.
(c) Anger that Mother lost custody of her.
(d) Gratitude for having Mother still in her life.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was Mr. Early doing when he died?

2. Who are the unreliables?

3. Why does Miss O'Boyle say that Nonna 's eyes are almost always open, wet and watching?

4. What do the unreliables say about Aunt Frances?

5. What does Arlette suggest is the reason that Mother is mentally unstable?

(see the answer key)

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