Flock: The Autobiography of a Multiple Personality Test | Final Test - Easy

Joan Frances Casey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Flock: The Autobiography of a Multiple Personality Test | Final Test - Easy

Joan Frances Casey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happened in the bar before Renee went to school?
(a) Three of the personalities formed an alliance in the first fusion of the Flock.
(b) She made some new friends.
(c) She found some business connections.
(d) She passed out.

2. What did Dr. Tate try to do when the Flock was in the emergency room?
(a) He discouraged them from staying.
(b) He tried to find the security guard to remove them.
(c) He gave them a report about Joan Frances' condition.
(d) He tried to put the Flock in the psychiatric ward.

3. How did Renee feel about the Flock integrating into one person?
(a) She thought it might happen eventually.
(b) She laughed at the idea.
(c) She refused to even consider the idea.
(d) She insisted it wasn't going to happen.

4. After Steve came home, what did he think about multiple personality disorder?
(a) He accepted it and said he was willing to help.
(b) He laughed at the concept.
(c) He rejected the idea.
(d) He refused to think about it.

5. Where did the Flock decide to go for professional help?
(a) Lynn.
(b) Dr. Wu.
(c) The affiliated psychiatric group.
(d) Dr. Tate.

6. What was happening to Joan Frances as Renee was losing control of the Flock?
(a) She was becoming psychotic.
(b) She lashed out like Josie used to.
(c) She became the group leader.
(d) She hid.

7. How did Jo feel about the person who was going to help?
(a) She was happy.
(b) She was horrified.
(c) She liked to flirt with the person.
(d) She looked forward to meeting the person.

8. What did Renee determine about Josie?
(a) She realized that Josie has the social skills to control the Flock.
(b) She realized that Josie had the mentality of a one-year-old.
(c) She realized Josie could speak several languages.
(d) She realized that Josie had been raped by her father.

9. How did the Flock compare to other graduate students?
(a) They were failures.
(b) They were much more effective than other students.
(c) They were misfits.
(d) They were about the same as the other students.

10. What did Lynn do to help Renee make the adjustment to living at school?
(a) Lynn called every day.
(b) Lynn helped her find a psychologist who could be on call to help her.
(c) Lynn visited every week
(d) Lynn wrote letters to Renee every week.

11. How did Rusty feel about Lynn?
(a) He loved her.
(b) He didn't trust her.
(c) She scared him.
(d) He didn't like her because he didn't like women.

12. What was the Flock really searching for from Lynn?
(a) An excuse to fall apart.
(b) Unconditional love.
(c) Attention.
(d) An angry reaction.

13. How did Steve respond when Jo asked him whether he'd rather be involved with her as a multiple or some other single person?
(a) He swore he would love her forever no matter what.
(b) He wouldn't respond.
(c) He didn't know.
(d) He started yelling at her.

14. What did Rusty realize about his father that summer?
(a) He realized his dad wasn't ever going to come back.
(b) He realized his dad didn't know how to do guy stuff.
(c) He realized his dad was a pervert.
(d) He realized his dad loved him.

15. How did Renee feel about being out on her own?
(a) She was very anxious about it.
(b) She hated every minute of it.
(c) She loved it.
(d) She was indifferent.

Short Answer Questions

1. What had changed in Renee's relationship with Steve by Thanksgiving?

2. What did Jo think about marriage to Steve?

3. Why was the Flock concerned about Joan Frances?

4. How much time did Gordon and Lynn spend with the Flock during the summer before Renee went to school?

5. How did Nancy react to the Flock over the holiday?

(see the answer keys)

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