Floating in My Mother's Palm Test | Final Test - Easy

Ursula Hegi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Floating in My Mother's Palm Test | Final Test - Easy

Ursula Hegi
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Immers try to give more space in which to grow?
(a) The puppies his one female dog has.
(b) The new parakeet babies.
(c) The stronger violets.
(d) The stronger roses.

2. Who does Immers criticize continually one day?
(a) A veterinarian.
(b) A painter who is working on Immers' home.
(c) A dog trainer Immers hired.
(d) A cat groomer Immers hired.

3. How does Manfred's mother react as his father dies?
(a) She is silent.
(b) She is not there.
(c) She tries to save him.
(d) She screams.

4. Why does the pastor's sister give up her career?
(a) To get married.
(b) To care for her brother.
(c) She learns she is not patient with children.
(d) She is blinded in an accident.

5. Where are the victim(s) shot?
(a) In a bank that was being robbed.
(b) At school.
(c) In their car.
(d) In the park.

6. Where does Immers spend most of his time?
(a) In his room.
(b) Various places.
(c) In the park.
(d) In the library.

7. What do Hanna and Renate decide to do?
(a) Skip school without permission.
(b) Go swimming in a storm.
(c) Ask permission to skip school one day.
(d) Try to find Hans-Jurgen.

8. Where does Hanna find Rolf the next morning?
(a) In the library.
(b) Near the river.
(c) At the old quarry.
(d) In a hayloft.

9. In what condition were Hanna and her mother when they went into the restaurant?
(a) Dirty and dusty.
(b) Wet.
(c) Dressed up.
(d) Flushed from the sun.

10. What upsets Hanna about six months after her mother dies?
(a) Her father wants to send her to live with her aunt.
(b) Her father begins dating.
(c) Her father sends her to stay with her grandparents for a while.
(d) Her father seems to not grieve her mother.

11. Who was shot in town?
(a) A drifter.
(b) A policeman.
(c) A young couple.
(d) A young teen.

12. What career does the pastor's sister give up?
(a) Teacher.
(b) Nurse.
(c) Social worker.
(d) Doctor.

13. Why does Rolf confront Hanna?
(a) He does not confront Hanna.
(b) About the joke Hanna played on his mother.
(c) About what Hanna said to some classmates about Rolf.
(d) About Hanna inviting Hans who has a bad reputation.

14. Who hallucinates of poison falling from the sky?
(a) The man in the apartment above Hanna's family.
(b) Veronika.
(c) Trudi's neighbor.
(d) Hanna's mother.

15. Who is Rolf?
(a) The apartment handyman.
(b) A disinterested observer.
(c) Hanna's uncle.
(d) Klara Brocker's son.

Short Answer Questions

1. What precipitates Manfred's father's death?

2. What does Veronika think she is doing by her actions?

3. What happened on New Year's Eve, 1952?

4. What do other people take for granted concerning Hannelore?

5. What did Hans-Jurgen do that everyone knows about?

(see the answer keys)

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