Flipped Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Flipped Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When does Bryce plan to ditch Juli forever?
(a) Never.
(b) Senior High.
(c) Junior High.
(d) When he goes off to college.

2. How does Juli act towards Bryce?
(a) She acts as if she has never met Bryce.
(b) She won't speak to him.
(c) She is willing to talk to him but only about superficial things.
(d) She acts friendly as always.

3. How does Juli describe Shelly Stalls?
(a) As her best friend.
(b) As her mortal enemy.
(c) As a real nerd.
(d) As a goodie two shoes.

4. How old is Juli when her dad found the dog?
(a) 4.
(b) 6.
(c) 2.
(d) 8.

5. What does Juli's father do for a living?
(a) Farmer.
(b) Bricklayer.
(c) Carpenter.
(d) Factory worker.

6. Why is Juli embarrassed when she climbs down from the tree?
(a) Her pants are torn.
(b) Her knee is scrapped.
(c) She trips and falls flat on her face when she drops off the last limb.
(d) She has bird poop in her hair.

7. Who does Lynette's mother send to get Lynette when it's time to come home?
(a) Lynette's father.
(b) She goes herself.
(c) Bryce.
(d) Lynette's grandfather.

8. What does Juli say in response to her father's question?
(a) She likes his kind ways.
(b) She likes the way he interacts with his younger siblings.
(c) She likes the way he takes charge of situations.
(d) She likes his black hair and blue eyes.

9. What grade are Bryce and Juli in when Juli rescues Bryce again?
(a) 6th.
(b) 11th.
(c) 9th.
(d) 4th.

10. Why do Bryce's grades go up one year?
(a) He sits next to Juli and cheats off her paper.
(b) Bryce's father bribes him to improve his grades.
(c) The material becomes more interesting to Bryce.
(d) He decides to get serious about studying.

11. Why didn't Bryce want to do what his father asks?
(a) He is trying to avoid Juli.
(b) He is tired.
(c) He does not want to listen to his older sister.
(d) He wants to go meet the boy on the next street over.

12. In what grade does Juli begin to raise chickens?
(a) 4th.
(b) 2nd.
(c) 8th.
(d) 5th.

13. What does Bryce do several years later to end Juli's obsession with him?
(a) Starts acting like he likes another girl.
(b) Tells her to leave him alone or he will embarrass her in front of the other students.
(c) Nothing.
(d) Tells Juli he is going to become a priest.

14. What does Bryce decide to do to make up for hurting Juli's feelings?
(a) Help her clean up.
(b) Take her to the movies.
(c) Lend her his favorite video game.
(d) Give her a new puppy.

15. What disappoints Bryce about Junior High?
(a) He has no classes with Shelly.
(b) All his classes are with Juli.
(c) He has to ride on the same bus as Juli.
(d) He has no classes with Juli.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Juli like to do with her father?

2. To whom does Juli pour out her heart?

3. What does the teacher tell Juli not to expect concerning the eggs?

4. What does Juli continue to do throughout the school years?

5. What does Juli's father reply to Juli's statement?

(see the answer keys)

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