Flights: A Novel Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Olga Tokarczuk
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Flights: A Novel Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

Olga Tokarczuk
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through "Flights" - "Boarding".

Multiple Choice Questions

1. During one of the narrator's journeys, she watches what kind of after-dinner entertainment?
(a) Belly dancing.
(b) A hypnotist.
(c) An acrobatic routine.
(d) A magician.

2. One of the vignettes focuses on a poet who works in what capacity?
(a) As a chef.
(b) As a doctor.
(c) As a judge.
(d) As a travel guide.

3. Toward what types of things has the narrator always been drawn?
(a) Shiny.
(b) False.
(c) Broken.
(d) Mysterious.

4. What are the narrator's feelings about guidebooks?
(a) They are helpful for young travelers.
(b) Every location in them should be avoided.
(c) They are destructive in their overanalysis.
(d) They are written by people who never travel.

5. The locals on the island visited by Kunicki's family produce their own what?
(a) Silk.
(b) Beef.
(c) Wine.
(d) Textiles.

Short Answer Questions

1. The vignette entitled "30,000 Guilders" takes place in what century?

2. What part of the fictional Philip Verheyen's own body does he dissect over the course of several years?

3. The narrator says that she prefers to be more like a gardener than like a what when it comes to her own narrative?

4. The narrator uses what location to demonstrate the vast feelings of being present experienced by the passengers flying from Irkutsk to Moscow?

5. Annushka begins taking what form of transport ceaselessly throughout each day?

(see the answer key)

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