Flashman's Lady Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Flashman's Lady Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 99 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Haslam say the Madagascan queen does to people for pleasure?
(a) Tortures them.
(b) Robs them.
(c) Kills them.
(d) Banishes them.

2. What is the name of J.B.'s bungalow?
(a) The Zoo.
(b) The Stonehead.
(c) The Regent.
(d) The Grove.

3. What country has Flashman served in as a soldier?
(a) Afghanistan.
(b) Israel.
(c) Iran.
(d) Iraq.

4. How does Flash fall unconscious in Chapter 3?
(a) He falls on the stumps.
(b) Haslam hits him with his bat.
(c) He faints from the heat.
(d) A ball hits him on the head.

5. What cricket team is Flashman's team playing against?
(a) Kent.
(b) Surrey.
(c) Glamorgan.
(d) Somerset.

6. What will Flashman allow if he loses the cricket match against Haslam?
(a) For Morrison to go to Asia.
(b) For Haslam to marry his wife.
(c) For Haslam to stay at his house.
(d) For Elspeth to travel to Asia.

7. What does Flash do with the envelope containing £50?
(a) He buries it.
(b) He burns it.
(c) He gives it away.
(d) He eats it.

8. What kind of weapons does J.B. give Flashman?
(a) A rifle and an axe.
(b) A blow pipe and a ninja star.
(c) A spear and an axe.
(d) A revolver and a cutlass.

9. Where does Flash have sex with Mrs. Lade?
(a) The drawing room.
(b) The garden.
(c) The dining room.
(d) The games room.

10. What kills Flashman's attacker?
(a) An axe.
(b) A bullet.
(c) A needle.
(d) A spear.

11. How does the pirate say he does not want to be killed?
(a) Through drowning.
(b) Through strangulation.
(c) Through starvation.
(d) Through hanging.

12. What does Whampoa say is Haslam's real identity?
(a) Jimmy Porter of Borneo.
(b) Suleiman Usman of Maludu.
(c) Solomon Zooper of Persia.
(d) Homer Tikka of Magascar.

13. Where does Haslam say they will need the ten guns the ship is carrying?
(a) When they reach the Indian Ocean.
(b) The African coast.
(c) When they reach the Asian warzone.
(d) The waters where British navies are sparse.

14. Who tends to the injured Flashman?
(a) Tighe.
(b) Leo.
(c) Haslam.
(d) Elspeth.

15. Who sees Flashman having sex with with Mrs. Lade?
(a) Haslam.
(b) Morrison.
(c) Felix.
(d) Elspeth.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Flashman trip over as he runs away?

2. Who will be out to get Flashman now he has lost the cricket match?

3. What kind of ship do J.B. and his crew see on fire?

4. What is the name of the Aztec God?

5. What is the name of the old Duke's lover?

(see the answer keys)

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