Flash for Freedom! Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 96 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Flash for Freedom! Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 96 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What language do the two slaves speak fluently?
(a) Zulu.
(b) English.
(c) Spanish.
(d) French.

2. Where does Lincoln say Flashman must testify?
(a) Charlottesville.
(b) Seattle.
(c) New Orleans.
(d) St. Louis.

3. How does Flashman say he is related to Tom Little?
(a) Brother.
(b) Nephew.
(c) Cousin.
(d) Uncle.

4. Who attacks Omohundro in Chapter 9?
(a) Flashman.
(b) Balliol.
(c) Bradlee.
(d) Randolph.

5. What is wrong with the old man in the ticket office?
(a) He is deaf.
(b) He is blind.
(c) He is dumb.
(d) He has cancer.

6. What does Bradlee invite Omohundro to look at?
(a) His art collection.
(b) His antique selection.
(c) His harlem girls.
(d) His prime slaves.

7. What does Flashman threaten to do to Randolph does not stop complaining?
(a) Drown him.
(b) Sell him.
(c) Hang him.
(d) Flog him.

8. What is the name of the prosecutor's assistant?
(a) Dunne.
(b) Spring.
(c) Baily.
(d) Clitheroe.

9. What was Cassie's punishment when she ran away from New Orleans?
(a) A public stoning.
(b) Water and bread for a week.
(c) A public flogging.
(d) Time in the sweat box.

10. Where does Cassy say she grew up?
(a) A fine house.
(b) A plantation.
(c) A post office.
(d) A brewery.

11. What country does Cassy say she associates with freedom?
(a) Britain.
(b) Russia.
(c) Mexico.
(d) Canada.

12. Who does Flashman refer to as a viscious brat?
(a) John.
(b) Denise.
(c) Hermia.
(d) Annie.

13. Who does Flashman start to long for as Christmas approaches?
(a) His mother.
(b) Mr. Morrison.
(c) Ruth.
(d) Elspeth.

14. What bits does Flashman say he omits from his story to Lincoln?
(a) The murder bits.
(b) The true bits.
(c) The sexy bits.
(d) The spicy bits.

15. What does Baily say slavery divides?
(a) The northern states.
(b) The American nation.
(c) The western world.
(d) The southern states.

Short Answer Questions

1. To what state does Jim Bakewell want to go?

2. What is the name of the river that is the boundary between slave and free states?

3. What is the only thing Annie is wearing when she reappears from her bedroom?

4. What does Flashman say he must do in court?

5. What part of Flashman's body did Robinson's men shoot?

(see the answer keys)

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