Flash for Freedom! Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 96 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Flash for Freedom! Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 96 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Flashman say Marcellus Anderson is quick to do?
(a) Cry.
(b) Shoot.
(c) Bribe.
(d) Joke.

2. From what state is Peter Omohundro?
(a) California.
(b) Texas.
(c) Georgia.
(d) North Carolina.

3. What does Cassy tell Flashman will happen to him if they are caught?
(a) He will be burned.
(b) He will be drowned.
(c) He will be flogged.
(d) He will be hanged.

4. Where does Lincoln say Flashman must testify?
(a) St. Louis.
(b) New Orleans.
(c) Charlottesville.
(d) Seattle.

5. What does Flashman tell people was his former job?
(a) A jailer.
(b) A blackbirder.
(c) A smuggler.
(d) A plantation owner.

6. What is the name of the river that is the boundary between slave and free states?
(a) The Hudson River.
(b) The Mississippi River.
(c) The Missouri River.
(d) The Ohio River.

7. Who do the two slaves say was kind to them aboard the ship?
(a) Flashman.
(b) Kirk.
(c) Mr. Comber.
(d) Spring.

8. What is the name of the plantation to which Flashman walks?
(a) Greystones.
(b) Big Business.
(c) Fritterings.
(d) Cottonballs.

9. What does Cassy say surprises her about Flashman?
(a) His blasphemy.
(b) His kindness.
(c) His humor.
(d) His cruelty.

10. What does the crowd ask Cassy to do when she is on the auction stage?
(a) Strip.
(b) Dance.
(c) Sing.
(d) Scream.

11. What language do the two slaves speak fluently?
(a) Spanish.
(b) French.
(c) Zulu.
(d) English.

12. What does Lincoln say is higher than law?
(a) Humanity.
(b) Conscience.
(c) Religion.
(d) Love.

13. What does Cassy say she was forced to work as at 13?
(a) A stripper.
(b) A prostitute.
(c) A porn star.
(d) A miner.

14. What does Flashman force the posse to do when he points his gun at Robinson?
(a) Tie each other up.
(b) Lie down.
(c) Run away.
(d) Kiss his feet.

15. What is the name of the prosecutor's assistant?
(a) Baily.
(b) Spring.
(c) Clitheroe.
(d) Dunne.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who dies at the end of Chapter 9?

2. How does Flashman describe the two girls giggling in the New Orleans finery?

3. To what state does Jim Bakewell want to go?

4. Which character is furious with Flashman in Chapter 11?

5. Where does Flashman swim to at the beginning of Chapter 10?

(see the answer keys)

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