Flags of Our Fathers Test | Final Test - Easy

James Bradley (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Flags of Our Fathers Test | Final Test - Easy

James Bradley (author)
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the barren ground of the mountain dotted with?
(a) Crashed planes.
(b) Land mines.
(c) Japanese tanks.
(d) Japanese firing ports.

2. How much of Easy Company's forces were lost on "Chapter Nine: D-Day Plus Two"?
(a) 30%.
(b) 65%.
(c) 23%.
(d) 40%.

3. Where was Ralph Ignatowski's body found?
(a) In an underground hideout.
(b) In a bunker.
(c) In a cave.
(d) In a trench.

4. How much money did the war bond drive ultimately raise?
(a) 56.3 billon dollars.
(b) 21.3 billon dollars.
(c) 16.3 billon dollars.
(d) 26.3 billon dollars.

5. How long did the platoon take to reach the top of Mount Suribachi?
(a) 50 minutes.
(b) 40 minutes.
(c) 80 minutes.
(d) 160 minutes.

6. What was the name of the plane that dropped the Hiroshima bomb?
(a) Enola Gay.
(b) Berthy.
(c) Big Bertha.
(d) Superstar.

7. Who did Ira, John, and Rene meet in Washington?
(a) President Truman.
(b) Eisenhower.
(c) Admiral Nimitz.
(d) Roosevelt.

8. What false information was communicated to the Bradley's before their son came back home?
(a) He had been lot at sea.
(b) He had been captured.
(c) He lost his leg.
(d) He died.

9. How large was the unit sent to the top of mount Suribachi?
(a) 12 men.
(b) 25 men.
(c) 40 men.
(d) 50 men.

10. How much money did the war bond drive need to raise?
(a) 16 billion dollars
(b) 9 billion dollars
(c) 14 billion dollars.
(d) 23 billion dollars

11. Who was the star of the movie Ira, John, and Rene appeared in?
(a) Charlton Heston
(b) Cary Grant.
(c) John Wayne.
(d) James Dean.

12. Who picked up Rosenthal's picture at the AP office?
(a) F.D Roosevelt.
(b) The New York Time editor.
(c) John Bodkin.
(d) Joe Ro0serberg.

13. What ship was destroyed by Kamikazes in "Chapter Nine: D-Day Plus Two" ?
(a) USS Memphis.
(b) USS Arabia.
(c) USS Arizona.
(d) USS Bismark.

14. Why was Rene's parade cancel in 1945?
(a) It was raining.
(b) He was found drunk.
(c) A new hero emerged.
(d) Roosevelt died.

15. How long did it take for the Marines to clear the volcano according to "Chapter Eleven: The Flags"?
(a) 9 days.
(b) 7 days.
(c) 12 days.
(d) 4 days.

Short Answer Questions

1. What part of John Bradley was on the picture run in the newspaper?

2. What prize did Rosenthal win?

3. How many shots of the second raising of the flag were taken?

4. How many Marines died in "Chapter Nine: D-Day Plus Two" on Iwo Jima?

5. Who made the sculpture based on the Rosenthal image?

(see the answer keys)

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