Five Years to Freedom: The True Story of a Vietnam POW Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

James N. Rowe
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Five Years to Freedom: The True Story of a Vietnam POW Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

James N. Rowe
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Mr. Ba, is nicknamed what by Rowe?
(a) Aristotle.
(b) Socrates.
(c) Plato.
(d) Sophocles.

2. What happens to Lowe?
(a) He is killed.
(b) He's bound at the wrist and elbow and is taken away.
(c) He is chased away.
(d) He is tortured.

3. The schooling continues and Rowe learns what?
(a) Americans are searching for them.
(b) The Vietcong are stronger than the American forces.
(c) Americans are pulling out of Vietnam.
(d) Americans are becoming more involved in the struggle.

4. Rowe notes that on nights they show a movie in camp there is almost no what?
(a) Stop in the fighting.
(b) Complaining.
(c) Fighting.
(d) Noise.

5. The airfield is easily repaired but several members of the team are what?
(a) Killed.
(b) Afraid to fight.
(c) Sent home.
(d) Out of commission.

6. One day, the camp is shelled and Rowe finds himself running for his life. He notes that it's ___________ to be so near a rescue.
(a) Sad.
(b) Scary.
(c) Wearying.
(d) Frustrating.

7. That night, Rowe has a dream about a battle and wakes to find what?
(a) No one there.
(b) A war movie being played.
(c) He is still in California.
(d) They're being barraged with shells.

8. Rowe tells the guards this news when?
(a) Only after they have cleaned Ben up.
(b) Only after they have buried Ben.
(c) Right away.
(d) Never.

9. The prisoners, including Rowe, are instructed to do what?
(a) Call home.
(b) Give information about the U.S.
(c) Write letters home.
(d) Learn Vietnamese.

10. Why do they have a layover here?
(a) The plane is having engine problems.
(b) The men are ill.
(c) The flight crew is being changed.
(d) The flight crew members are suffering from hang overs.

11. The trip continues _________ late and arrives in Tan Son Nhut where Rowe watches departing troops head back to the United States in the plane that brought him there.
(a) A week.
(b) A month.
(c) A day.
(d) A few hours.

12. Rowe's group goes on to Tan Phu where they are to do what?
(a) Train the Vietnamese.
(b) Plan attacks against the Vietcong.
(c) Learn the language.
(d) Oversee construction projects and offer assistance to the Vietnamese forces there.

13. Dave and John are moved out of the camp in _________ of 1965.
(a) April.
(b) March.
(c) June.
(d) May.

14. Rowe is chosen to study ___________.
(a) Vietnamese.
(b) Korean.
(c) Japanese.
(d) Chinese.

15. When Rowe is taken inside, he discovers that _________ is there, that his leg is troubling him but that he is alive and conscious.
(a) Rocky.
(b) Lowe.
(c) Dan.
(d) Ben.

Short Answer Questions

1. The next American brought to the camp is Staff Sergeant Ben Wilkes who has been in captivity for how long?

2. Then Dan is called on to write down the lessons he's learned and he almost gives in to writing what they want to hear. Why?

3. Forces from the camp are to go to Le Coeur to do what?

4. What does Rowe find out later about the airstrip?

5. Why Rocky is taken away?

(see the answer keys)

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