Five Years to Freedom: The True Story of a Vietnam POW Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

James N. Rowe
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Five Years to Freedom: The True Story of a Vietnam POW Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

James N. Rowe
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. On the way, they suddenly come under fire and Rowe is the first to realize what?
(a) The Vietcong are not the ones shooting at them.
(b) They are the only Americans left alive.
(c) They are going to die.
(d) The goal is to keep them pinned down until another group of VC can cut them off so that they have no escape.

2. The groups go into what?
(a) The now apparently deserted Vietcong camp.
(b) The bustling village.
(c) The fully-operational Vietcong camp.
(d) The now apparently deserted village.

3. The plan goes wrong immediately and the Vietcong do what?
(a) Run in the opposite direction from the ambush groups.
(b) Run in the same direction as the ambush groups.
(c) Shoot the Americans.
(d) Surrender.

4. The story returns to when?
(a) Rowe decided to join the military.
(b) The moments following Rowe's capture.
(c) Rowe was rescued.
(d) Rowe was in the training camp in the U.S.

5. When it becomes evident that Dave is going to die, what does Rowe do?
(a) He stays with him until the end.
(b) He pleads for medicine and food.
(c) He reassures him that he will speak to his wife.
(d) He asks to bury Dave's body.

6. Rowe's group goes on to Tan Phu where they are to do what?
(a) Oversee construction projects and offer assistance to the Vietnamese forces there.
(b) Plan attacks against the Vietcong.
(c) Train the Vietnamese.
(d) Learn the language.

7. John and Rowe have bouts of what which prompts some rudimentary medical care?
(a) Intestinal failure.
(b) Heart failure.
(c) Liver failure.
(d) Kidney failure.

8. Lowe loses sight of whom?
(a) Rocky.
(b) Dan.
(c) Ben.
(d) Rowe.

9. Rowe and Dan insist that they write a single letter to whom?
(a) The President.
(b) The U.S. military.
(c) Their families.
(d) The Red Cross.

10. Why was the barracks hit?
(a) Because it looks like an airplane hangar.
(b) Because the Vietcong wanted to kill the soldiers.
(c) Because the Vietcong have bad aim.
(d) Because of its proximity to that target.

11. The prisoners, including Rowe, are instructed to do what?
(a) Call home.
(b) Learn Vietnamese.
(c) Give information about the U.S.
(d) Write letters home.

12. They continue to seek a way out when they learn what has happened to reinforcements?
(a) They are returned to the camp.
(b) They have all been killed.
(c) They have surrendered to the Vietcong.
(d) They have been caught in an ambush and won't be coming to their aid.

13. There is a new American prisoner, a man named Dave Davila who has what?
(a) Malaria.
(b) Shrapnel in his legs.
(c) West Nile.
(d) Influenza.

14. The next morning, Rowe is cooking breakfast when he receives word that what has happened?
(a) Ben has died.
(b) Ben has been killed.
(c) Ben has been moved.
(d) Ben has been taken to a hospital.

15. Dan establishes relationships with several prisoners, though not friendships, that save him from what?
(a) Being noticed by the Vietcong.
(b) Death.
(c) Torture.
(d) Total isolation.

Short Answer Questions

1. One day, the camp is shelled and Rowe finds himself running for his life. He notes that it's ___________ to be so near a rescue.

2. On January 25, 1965, Rowe and the others arrive where?

3. Mr. Ba later tells the men that the Red Cross is what?

4. When Rowe is taken inside, he discovers that _________ is there, that his leg is troubling him but that he is alive and conscious.

5. Rowe and Dan Pitzer split off, leaving Rocky with whom?

(see the answer keys)

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