Five Chimneys: The Story of Auschwitz Test | Final Test - Easy

Olga Lengyel
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 188 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Five Chimneys: The Story of Auschwitz Test | Final Test - Easy

Olga Lengyel
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 188 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many of the crematory buildings were destroyed in the explosion that the resistance set off?
(a) Three out of the four.
(b) Only one of the four.
(c) All four buildings.
(d) Two out of the four.

2. Why was Auschwitz made up of mostly Gentile prisoners?
(a) The Germans believed in keeping the Jews separate from the Gentiles.
(b) The Germans had not yet turned their attention to the Jews.
(c) Most of the population in that area of Europe was Gentile.
(d) Most of the Jews were immediately sent to the gas chamber.

3. What did Dr. Klein bring for Olga while she and the other inmates were kneeling in the mud?
(a) A box of surgical gloves.
(b) Information about her husband.
(c) Samples of medicine for the infirmary.
(d) New shoes.

4. How many women were in the march that left from Birkenau with Olga?
(a) Fifteen thousand.
(b) Six thousand.
(c) Ten thousand.
(d) Two thousand.

5. How did the Germans decide to exterminate the remaining children in the camp?
(a) They took them into the woods and shot them.
(b) They stopped feeding them and left them to die of starvation.
(c) They threw them into a pit and burned them with gasoline.
(d) They made them stand wet in the freezing weather until they died of exposure.

6. According to the author, of what ingredient was the camp soap made?
(a) The soup that was left at the end of each week.
(b) Toiletries taken from the luggage of detainees.
(c) The rendered bodies of rats caught in the camp.
(d) The grease from the cremated bodies of prisoners.

7. According to the author, how many corpses were burned each day at Bireknau between the crematory ovens and the death pits?
(a) 17,280.
(b) 360,000.
(c) Over 8,000.
(d) About 24,000.

8. Which group in the camp were allowed to receive (for a while) packages from home?
(a) Only Germans.
(b) The Czechs.
(c) The Poles.
(d) The Gypsies.

9. What was the weather like when Olga and the rest of her camp were evacuated from Auschwitz?
(a) Sunny and mild.
(b) Windy and freezing cold.
(c) Blistering hot and humid.
(d) Crisp and cool.

10. What service did Irma Griese demand from the surgeon in the infirmary?
(a) The removal of a mole.
(b) An appendectomy.
(c) The removal of a bunion.
(d) An abortion.

11. What brought Olga's husband satisfaction in his job at the camp?
(a) Knowing that the end of the war was near and the Nazis would pay.
(b) Knowing that Olga would be proud of his work.
(c) Helping to further the resistance.
(d) Being able to ease the suffering of so many internees.

12. How many women from the infirmary had the task of carrying corpses from the hospital to the morgue?
(a) Three.
(b) Four.
(c) Two.
(d) Six.

13. Why did the young girl who worked with Olga break into hysterical laughter one day when they entered the morgue?
(a) She saw one of the S.S. bend over and rip his pants.
(b) The pressure and horror of the job had finally taken its toll on her.
(c) She realized that she would soon be one of those corpses piled on the floor.
(d) She saw the body of her mother, whom she had thought was safely hidden.

14. Through the underground, Olga discovered that her husband was working where?
(a) In the camp at Buna.
(b) In "Canada."
(c) In the hospital at Belsen.
(d) In the crematory.

15. What kind of music did Dr. Mengele prefer?
(a) American pop music.
(b) Broadway show tunes.
(c) Opera, especially Wagner.
(d) Polka music.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to camp gossip, what was the purpose of the powder that was mixed into the inmates' food?

2. What ailments produced as much as 30 percent of the infirmary's visits?

3. What news did the French internee share with Olga when he came to the infirmary on August 26, 1944?

4. What part of "Canada" reminded Olga of all the infants that had been murdered by the Germans?

5. Why did the German guard beat the woman he accused of not being a "correct" prisoner?

(see the answer keys)

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