Five Chimneys: The Story of Auschwitz Test | Final Test - Easy

Olga Lengyel
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 188 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Five Chimneys: The Story of Auschwitz Test | Final Test - Easy

Olga Lengyel
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 188 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why was Olga uneasy when the French internee came to the infirmary on August 26, 1944?
(a) His wounds were too severe for her to help him.
(b) He seemed too happy, and she was afraid that he had gone mad.
(c) She did not trust him.
(d) Men were not supposed to come into the women's infirmary.

2. What kind of music did Dr. Mengele prefer?
(a) Broadway show tunes.
(b) Opera, especially Wagner.
(c) Polka music.
(d) American pop music.

3. What song did Olga and the other inmates listen to on the phonograph record?
(a) "Silent Night" by Bing Crosby.
(b) "Whistle While You Work" from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
(c) "Puttin' on the Ritz" by Fred Astaire.
(d) "Sing, Sing, Sing" by Benny Goodman.

4. What surprised Olga about the four men in sports clothes that she saw at the train station?
(a) They all looked exactly alike.
(b) They seemed to know the German officer who was in charge.
(c) She knew them from Cluj.
(d) They were speaking English.

5. Why was Auschwitz made up of mostly Gentile prisoners?
(a) The Germans had not yet turned their attention to the Jews.
(b) Most of the Jews were immediately sent to the gas chamber.
(c) The Germans believed in keeping the Jews separate from the Gentiles.
(d) Most of the population in that area of Europe was Gentile.

6. What did Irma Griese do to the handsome Georgian's Polish lover?
(a) She sent her to the gas chamber.
(b) She cut off all of her hair.
(c) She had her taken into the woods and shot.
(d) She sent her to the Auschwitz brothel.

7. Why did Olga not kill Dr. Mengele when she had the chance?
(a) She knew that the entire camp would be punished for her actions.
(b) She knew she must live to tell the story.
(c) She was too afraid for her own life.
(d) She hesitated and lost the opportunity.

8. Why did the Germans wait several minutes before they turned on the gas in the gas chambers?
(a) They let the temperature rise a few degrees to help the gas work better.
(b) They had to wait for the proper official to arrive and give the order.
(c) They waited to be sure that no more prisoners could fit into the room.
(d) They wanted the prisoners to panic before they died.

9. What did the resistance use as the principle center for broadcasting its "spoken newspaper"?
(a) The alley behind the infirmary.
(b) "Canada."
(c) The latrines.
(d) The infirmary.

10. How many women eventually ended up sharing the "apartment" in Barrack 13?
(a) Eight.
(b) Ten.
(c) Twelve.
(d) Seven.

11. Where did Olga and the other women get bread for their journey?
(a) They had been saving it for an emergency.
(b) It was distributed to each inmate for the journey.
(c) People from the men's camp gave them some before they left.
(d) They smashed in the warehouse door and took the bread.

12. What were Dr. Mengele's two favorite studies?
(a) Twins and dwarves.
(b) Pathology and oncology.
(c) Intelligence and dementia.
(d) Reproduction and sterilization.

13. According to the formula devised by the insane mathematics professor, which was devised to explain the problem of the war, what did the variables X, Y, Z, and V stand for?
(a) Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, and Roosevelt.
(b) Hitler, Himmler, Hess, and Goebbels.
(c) Stalin, Hitler, Mengele, and Griese.
(d) Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin, and Hitler.

14. What part of "Canada" reminded Olga of all the infants that had been murdered by the Germans?
(a) A pile of family photos.
(b) A row of baby carriages.
(c) A collection of baby bottles.
(d) The boxes of baby shoes.

15. Where did most prisoners go after they had been used for Dr. Mengele's experiments?
(a) They were shipped to another camp.
(b) Right back to their barracks.
(c) To the hospital.
(d) To the gas chamber.

Short Answer Questions

1. What service did Irma Griese demand from the surgeon in the infirmary?

2. What/who disappeared from the camp in November of 1944?

3. According to the author, of what ingredient was the camp soap made?

4. What happened to all of the inmates who had relatives in America?

5. Why could Olga not get a sample of the mysterious powder that was put into the prisoners' food?

(see the answer keys)

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