Five Chimneys: The Story of Auschwitz Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Olga Lengyel
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 188 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Five Chimneys: The Story of Auschwitz Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Olga Lengyel
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 188 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How long had the blue-eyed man been in prison camps?
(a) Six years.
(b) Four years.
(c) Two years.
(d) Three years.

2. According to the German major who stayed with the Lengyel family, why did his family complain whenever he returned home?
(a) He did not send back as much loot as the other officers sent to their families.
(b) He did not make enough money to keep his children fed and clothed.
(c) They disagreed with the way that the Germans were treating prisoners.
(d) He was away from home so much and they missed him.

3. How long had the Polish woman, Irka, been in the camp?
(a) Four years.
(b) Fifteen months.
(c) Six years.
(d) Two years.

4. How did the infirmary staff sterilize their instruments between patients?
(a) They washed them with soap and water after each patient.
(b) They soaked the instruments in grain alcohol between patients.
(c) They held the instruments into a fire pit to destroy the germs.
(d) They did not sterilize their instruments because they had nothing to sterilize them with.

5. What were the two purposes of camp selections?
(a) To select some prisoners for the crematory and to decimate the others.
(b) To inventory prisoners and maintain an accurate count.
(c) To select prisoners for work detail and to show off German power.
(d) To select prisoners for the crematory and to locate missing prisoners.

6. What did the insignia on each train car indicate?
(a) The explanation for the deportation of the people inside the cars.
(b) The concentration camp to which each car was headed.
(c) The number of animals that each car was designed to transport.
(d) The countries from which the cars originated.

7. How many people were loaded into Olga's train car?
(a) 90.
(b) 106.
(c) 96.
(d) 110.

8. What "presents" did Tadek, the blue-eyed man, give to Olga?
(a) A spoon and a tin cup.
(b) Bits of twine in order to make herself a belt.
(c) A wooden knife and a handkerchief.
(d) A potato and a shawl.

9. To what does the author compare the S.S. women who oversaw the selections in their large black rain capes?
(a) Agents of the devil.
(b) Vultures waiting for their prey.
(c) Ominous ghosts.
(d) Bats swooping down from the sky.

10. Why did Olga get in the line to have her hair shaved?
(a) She was ordered into the line by a guard.
(b) She was worried about the threat of lice.
(c) She preferred to undergo the same treatment as her peers.
(d) She saw the head-shaving as an expression of mourning.

11. What did Olga and her fellow prisoners use as a mop?
(a) The sleeves of their own dresses.
(b) Their socks.
(c) The bottom portion of a dress, which had been cut off.
(d) A handful of dirty rags pulled from the garbage pile.

12. What was the only restriction upon the Lageraelteste?
(a) She was not allowed to keep a servant.
(b) She was not allowed to speak to the other prisoners.
(c) She was not permitted to leave the camp.
(d) She had no restrictions.

13. Why did the elderly man give his potatoes to Olga rather than to the woman to whom he had promised them?
(a) Olga looked like she needed the food more than the other woman did.
(b) Olga was younger than the other woman.
(c) The other woman was not around.
(d) He knew Olga from their life before the camp.

14. What was the name of the building that became Olga's home while she was in Auschwitz?
(a) Birkenau.
(b) The Bakery.
(c) Barrack 23.
(d) Barrack 26.

15. How did Olga become a "rich woman" in the camp?
(a) She was given her own blanket, which she shared with her bedmates.
(b) She was given extra food by one of the guards.
(c) She found friends who comforted her.
(d) She made a toothbrush, a handkerchief, and a wooden knife.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why did Tadek, the blue-eyed man, stop bringing gifts for Olga?

2. Why was Olga chosen for selection in Chapter 8?

3. After they disembarked from the train, who was immediately sent to the left?

4. How many roll calls occurred each day?

5. Which prisoners were most often chosen to clean the latrines?

(see the answer keys)

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