Fingerprints of the Gods Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Graham Hancock
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fingerprints of the Gods Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Graham Hancock
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through The Mystery of the Myths: 2. The Precessional Code.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What works of art were found in Tres Zapotes?
(a) Gigantic heads.
(b) Seashell jewelry.
(c) Line drawings.
(d) Pottery.

2. How many years of darkness did the ancient Mayans experience?
(a) 26.
(b) 36.
(c) 30.
(d) 15.

3. What is the term for the gravity of the sun and planets exerting influence on the Earth's elliptic orbit?
(a) Obliquity.
(b) Ecliptic.
(c) Precess.
(d) Eccentricity.

4. What natural disasters accompany the Mayan myths?
(a) Plague and famine.
(b) Darkness and pestilence.
(c) Ice and flooding.
(d) Volcanoes and earthquakes.

5. Where did the story of Utnapishtim take place?
(a) Colombia.
(b) Mesopotamia.
(c) Central America.
(d) Sumer.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Chapter 26, how many years ago did Ice Age glaciation begin?

2. When was the Admiral Piri Reis map drawn?

3. Who invented the tool enabling longitude to be determined?

4. What are the symbols on the Yucatan's Pyramid of the Magician?

5. According to Chapter 27, how many years ago did the peopling of America begin?

(see the answer key)

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