Final Jeopardy Test | Final Test - Easy

Linda Fairstein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 92 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Final Jeopardy Test | Final Test - Easy

Linda Fairstein
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 92 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is not happy at the idea of talking to Jed about Isabella?
(a) Mike.
(b) David.
(c) Alex.
(d) Wally.

2. Who does Alex leave to join for dinner when she sees Jed?
(a) Cordelia.
(b) Joan.
(c) Mike.
(d) Richard.

3. Alex heads to work where she gives some advice to whom?
(a) Student.
(b) Lawyer.
(c) Writer.
(d) Attorney.

4. During a political campaign in California, who was stalked?
(a) Jed.
(b) Ellen.
(c) Mike.
(d) Harold.

5. Who is Mike's fellow officer?
(a) Jason.
(b) Jed.
(c) Maureen.
(d) Paul.

6. Alex interviews a woman who complains that who made inappropriate advances to her?
(a) Policeman.
(b) Fireman.
(c) Priest.
(d) Mailman.

7. Alex begins her conversation with an apology for the situation involving whom?
(a) Mike.
(b) Paul
(c) Jed.
(d) Mercer.

8. Who drops by Alex's apartment to help her deal with the difficult relationship situation?
(a) Goldman.
(b) Sach.
(c) Wallace.
(d) Mercer.

9. Alex has dinner with what man who is associated with Isabella?
(a) Richard.
(b) Jed.
(c) Mike.
(d) Johnny.

10. Who sends Alex messages that she ignores?
(a) Isabella.
(b) Jed.
(c) Mike.
(d) Wally.

11. Who does Mike think may have been involved in Isabella's death?
(a) Jed.
(b) Wally.
(c) Ellen.
(d) Paul.

12. Who does Alex want to avoid seeing?
(a) Jared.
(b) Jed.
(c) Mike.
(d) Wally.

13. Who talks about Cordelia Jeffers at Alex's apartment?
(a) Jed.
(b) David.
(c) Wally.
(d) Mike.

14. Alex risks a contempt charge for what in court?
(a) Objection.
(b) Agreeing.
(c) Fighting.
(d) Leaving.

15. Who reveals a great deal about the crimes at the police station?
(a) Arsonist.
(b) Writer.
(c) Thief.
(d) Rapist.

Short Answer Questions

1. Alex learns who was near Martha's Vineyard on the day of the murder?

2. What does Mike ask Jed at the club?

3. What is the name of the dog that Alex encounters?

4. Who does Alex want to confront about an affair?

5. Who does Alex see outside the building and want to avoid giving an interview?

(see the answer keys)

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