Fight Club Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fight Club Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Marla say she saw the narrator shoot a man?
(a) The Pressman Hotel.
(b) The Paper Street house.
(c) His exploded condominium.
(d) The Regent Hotel.

2. What does the narrator notice about the Space Monkeys at the Paper Street house after returning from the bar in Seattle?
(a) They are watching him closely.
(b) They keep calling him Tyler.
(c) They are becoming more violent.
(d) They keep looking at Marla.

3. What does Marla say the Space Monkeys are doing at the Paper Street house?
(a) Working in the basement.
(b) Committing acts of vandalism.
(c) Shaving their heads.
(d) Waiting for him to come home.

4. What does the narrator ask the mechanic about him crashing the car?
(a) If it was part of his homework assignment.
(b) If he wanted to die.
(c) If he was going to turn himself in for attempted murder.
(d) If the Space Monkeys knew he would do that.

5. What is the intended purpose of using liposuctioned fat found in medical waste dumps for soap production?
(a) To make enough money to keep Project Mayhem afloat.
(b) To sell the soap back to people who paid money to get the fat taken out.
(c) To show society that soap can be made from their own fat.
(d) To ruin the skin of people who received liposuction.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Marla slap the narrator in the face when they meet after the Space Monkeys attempted to castrate him?

2. What does the narrator ask Raymond Hessel when he finds his student I.D.?

3. What is the mechanic supposed to do the evening he was in the Cadillac with the narrator and the three Space Monkeys?

4. What is the name of the mayor's envoy that The Narrator shot and killed?

5. How does the narrator convince Marla that he is not Tyler Durden?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is the point of the mechanic's homework assignment to take four human lives?

2. What does the narrator tell the mechanic right before the car crash and why?

3. What does the narrator find out is going on at home when he returns to the Paper Street house from the bar in Seattle?

4. What does one of the Space Monkeys do while the rest are trying to hold the narrator down for castration?

5. Why would the narrator rather see Raymond Hessel shot and dead than working in the convenience store?

6. Why is Marla's life in danger now that she has been following the narrator as his split personality, Tyler?

7. How does the narrator realize that he is Tyler Durden?

8. Why do members of Project Mayhem understand it is better to be shot and killed, which is what happened to Bob, than to go to jail?

9. What is the narrator thinking about at the window of his exploded condominium and what stops him from stepping over the edge?

10. How did Tyler anticipate the narrator's meddling with Project Mayhem and what did he do to take care of it?

(see the answer keys)

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