Fight Club Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fight Club Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the chill-and-drill assignment Bob is on?
(a) Using anesthesia on someone and then putting a drill to their head.
(b) Using fire extinguishers on people while robbing a bank.
(c) Freezing a lock and shattering it.
(d) Being calm while questioning someone.

2. Why does Marla slap the narrator in the face when they meet after the Space Monkeys attempted to castrate him?
(a) She saw him kill someone.
(b) She thinks he killed Bob.
(c) She saw him with another woman.
(d) She is sick of his lies.

3. What is the mechanic holding while on the bus with the narrator?
(a) A knife.
(b) Dynamite.
(c) A bomb.
(d) A gun.

4. How did Tyler take care of the police problem in Seattle?
(a) The Mischief Committee threatened to castrate the police commissioner.
(b) The Assault Committee killed the police commissioner.
(c) The Mischief Committee killed the police commissioner.
(d) The Assault Committee threatened to castrate the police commissioner.

5. Why does the narrator go to a Fight Club meeting and register to fight a total of fifty men?
(a) He wants to die.
(b) He wants to retaliate.
(c) He wants Marla to save him.
(d) He wants to prove fighting is not the answer.

6. What does Tyler want to do to the basement in the Paper Street house?
(a) Make a full-scale soap factory.
(b) Rent it out to residents.
(c) Turn it into barracks.
(d) Make it another living room.

7. Who does Marla only recognize the narrator as?
(a) Tyler.
(b) A murderer.
(c) A schizophrenic.
(d) The narrator.

8. What does the narrator notice about the Space Monkeys at the Paper Street house after returning from the bar in Seattle?
(a) They keep calling him Tyler.
(b) They keep looking at Marla.
(c) They are watching him closely.
(d) They are becoming more violent.

9. What is the name of the mayor's envoy that The Narrator shot and killed?
(a) Patrick McCarthy.
(b) Patrick McCormick.
(c) Patrick Matthews.
(d) Patrick Madden.

10. Where does Marla say she saw the narrator shoot a man?
(a) The Pressman Hotel.
(b) The Regent Hotel.
(c) The Paper Street house.
(d) His exploded condominium.

11. What do the security guards see when they enter the hotel manager's office?
(a) No one is there.
(b) The Narrator lying on the floor alone.
(c) Only the hotel manager, because the narrator fled the scene.
(d) The hotel manager with his hands on the narrator.

12. What does one Space Monkey do while the others are holding down the narrator on the bus?
(a) Takes out a video camera to record the act.
(b) Sets his stop watch to time the act.
(c) Takes out a video camera to use as evidence later.
(d) Checks his watch to note what time the act takes place.

13. What does Raymond Hessel say he wanted to become?
(a) A teacher.
(b) A writer.
(c) A dentist.
(d) A veternarian.

14. What does Tyler tell his boss to do after firing him?
(a) Get him another job.
(b) Write a referral for him.
(c) Join Fight Club.
(d) Keep sending him paychecks.

15. Who does Marla say she saw the narrator shoot?
(a) The mayor's envoy on homicide.
(b) The mayor's envoy on criminal activity.
(c) The mayor's envoy on recycling.
(d) The mayor's envoy on vandalism.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do the men with beat-up faces respond to the narrator's questions?

2. What does the narrator threaten the hotel manager with?

3. While the narrator's boss is on vacation, what does he tell the narrator to do via email?

4. Referring to the magazine articles about human organs, what of "Joe's" does the narrator claim to be after seeing his boss's email?

5. What does the mechanic ask the narrator following the car crash?

(see the answer keys)

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