Fields of Fire Test | Final Test - Medium

James Webb
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fields of Fire Test | Final Test - Medium

James Webb
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What protects Cat Man's and Cannonball's teams as they make their way to the cemetery?
(a) Chest-high hills
(b) Craters
(c) Large boulders
(d) Trees

2. What story would Ronnie's mother like to hear from him?
(a) How he tried so hard to come home.
(b) How he disagreed with Kersey's decisions.
(c) How he jumped in front of so many guns to save his friend.
(d) How he killed the man and woman who shot his friends.

3. What is the purpose of Operation Lam Son 719?
(a) Attacking Laos
(b) Attacking Da Nang
(c) Attacking NVA bunkers
(d) Attacking Hanoi

4. What is the duty the men are leaving for when they climb into the truck?
(a) Sand bag duty
(b) Rear patrol
(c) Rescue a POW
(d) Searching for booby traps

5. What are the men wearing as they gather in the road to get in the convoy headed for battle?
(a) They are travelling light.
(b) They are carrying only their rifles.
(c) They are fully burdened with guns and ammunition.
(d) They have no weapons until they reach their destination.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why doesn't Snake want to follow Kersey's order to set up his men in the paddy?

2. What does Hodges' friend ask him before he leaves?

3. What are Snake and the other men so excited about as they travel from the helicopter pad?

4. What are Snake's thoughts about Baby Cakes?

5. What is Goodrich told about the killing of the Vietnamese man and woman?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Snake go to the company office tent?

2. What does Hodges see as he peers through the fog?

3. What is in the letter that Bagger takes from a dead VC soldier?

4. Why does Goodrich go to the Regimental Legal Officer's tent?

5. Describe Snake's feelings about serving in Vietnam?

6. How do Goodrich's parents welcome him back home?

7. What effect does sitting in the rain have on Hodges' men?

8. What becomes of Hodges while he tries to rescue the men in the cemetery?

9. What are the results of the investigation into Snake's participation in the killing of the civilian's that Senator reported?

10. What does Goodrich see hanging from the helicopter that passes above him?

(see the answer keys)

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