Fences Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fences Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What chore is Rose doing when Troy comes out of the house?
(a) She is weeding the garden.
(b) She is cutting the grass.
(c) She is putting the trash out for collection.
(d) She is hanging out clothes to dry.

2. In Act 1, Scene 4, what are Troy and Bono celebrating when they come home?
(a) Bono is going to become a father.
(b) Troy and Bono both have been given raises.
(c) Troy has been promoted to driver.
(d) Troy has won some money in the lottery.

3. What does Troy remember about his own father?
(a) That he didn't like Troy.
(b) That he was deaf.
(c) That he was tough but understanding.
(d) That he was selfish and angry at the world.

4. Tony and Bono get together on the Friday night on which Fences begins. What is their reason for doing so?
(a) To take their wives to the movies.
(b) To complain to the boss about their pay.
(c) To watch a football game.
(d) To drink beer and talk.

5. What do Rose and Bono say about Troy's long stories?
(a) That he should not tell them to children.
(b) That there is a lot of truth in them.
(c) That they are different every time.
(d) That they are proof that Troy drinks too much.

6. What does Troy say about the Negro League?
(a) That it was good for blacks.
(b) That it was a stupid idea.
(c) That he knew everybody in it.
(d) That it had better pitchers.

7. What does Rose say Cory wants to hear from Troy?
(a) That he did a good job.
(b) That Troy loves him.
(c) That Cory should do whatever he wants.
(d) That he's talented at football.

8. Why does Troy tell Cory he has to get another job?
(a) Because Cory should learn what it's like to go to work every day.
(b) Because Troy's the boss and what he says goes.
(c) Because they need Cory to make money to help the family.
(d) Because Rose will be ashamed of Cory if he doesn't.

9. When Cory returns home, Rose tells him that Troy is angry for what reason?
(a) Because Cory went off without doing his chores.
(b) Because Lyons came by and upset him.
(c) Because Troy has to repair the car again.
(d) Because Rose asked for money.

10. What does Troy tell Cory in response to his explanation about the football recruiter?
(a) Troy tells Cory not to trust the recruiter.
(b) Troy tells Cory he needs a full-time job.
(c) Troy tells Cory to give back the gifts the recruiter gave him.
(d) Troy tells Cory he has met the recruiter.

11. What is Troy's response to Cory's question about why Troy never liked him?
(a) Troy says that he questions who Cory's real father is.
(b) Troy says that Cory is a responsibility but that Troy doesn't have to like him.
(c) Troy says that Cory has always been too much trouble.
(d) Troy says that Rose never let Troy take part in raising Cory.

12. For what crime did Troy serve time in prison?
(a) He beat up a police officer.
(b) He committed armed robbery.
(c) He accidentally killed a man.
(d) He was caught selling drugs.

13. When Rose remarks that a neighbor won some money in the lottery, what opinion does Troy express?
(a) He says the lottery is a waste of money.
(b) He says the lottery is going to be stopped.
(c) He says the neighbor has been spending money on the lottery for years.
(d) He says the neighbor didn't deserve to win.

14. After working silently for a while with Troy, Cory tries to make small talk about baseball and Troy makes which of the following comments?
(a) Troy says that the white men are running the game.
(b) Troy says that there are too many Hispanics playing now.
(c) Troy says that the game isn't what it used to be.
(d) Troy says that he wants Cory to quit the team.

15. When Troy complains about Cory, what does Rose ask Troy?
(a) Rose asks Troy why he doesn't speak to Cory about the boy's behavior.
(b) Rose asks Troy if he wants a beer.
(c) Rose asks Troy if he'll mow the lawn instead of Cory.
(d) Rose asks Troy why he's so cranky about everything.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Troy do after he talks about still having strength left to have sex with Rose?

2. When Rose asks Gabriel if he wants breakfast, what does he say?

3. What does Troy say would have happened if he hadn't taken charge of Gabriel's money?

4. When Cory answers Troy's question about whether he's just come home with "yeah," what does Troy remind him?

5. What does Troy say about Alberta?

(see the answer keys)

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