The Fellowship of the Ring Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Fellowship of the Ring Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where do the scouts believe the Black Riders have gone since their horses drowned in the river?
(a) Mordor
(b) The Shire
(c) Minas Tirith
(d) Minas Mogol

2. Lothlorien is the fairest of all the ____________ of the Elves, according to Legolas.
(a) Castles
(b) Caves
(c) Woods
(d) Lakes

3. What is the word Gandalf finally uses in order to solve the riddle of the doors and to open them?
(a) Athelas
(b) Balrog
(c) Mellon
(d) Gollum

4. What is the name of the only person who can make the decision whether to go East or to go West on the journey?
(a) Frodo
(b) Boromir
(c) Aragorn
(d) Legolas

5. Who is NOT one of the members of the Fellowship of the Ring?
(a) Elrond
(b) Legolas
(c) Gandalf
(d) Aragorn

Short Answer Questions

1. Whose voice does Frodo hear when he wakes up in a comfortable bed?

2. Lady Galadriel shares that she sees a ______________ about Gandalf as the travelers are counted by the Lord.

3. ___________ chastises Frodo and tells him he is lucky to be alive considering all the foolish things he has done over the course of the journey.

4. ___________ tells the Lord and Lady that Gandalf fell into a Shadow and did not leave Moria.

5. The Elves warn the travelers that ________ are coming, but they can rest for the night with them.

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Sam share with Frodo that he has seen, though he's not sure it was a dream or not?

2. What does Gandalf believe will help them as they head to the Mines of Moria?

3. What does Bilbo give to Frodo on his last day in Rivendell?

4. Why don't the travelers in the Fellowship worry when they get through the door away from the Orcs?

5. Who takes Frodo up on their horse when they realize just how ill Frodo is from the stabbing by the Morgol blade?

6. Who is given the task of deciding which way the journey much continue?

7. What is being described in the book Gandalf reads when they are in the Chamber of Records?

8. In the last stage of their journey, what two directions are the travelers trying to choose between?

9. What does Frodo decide will be best for the Ring and for his quest?

10. What is in the small wooden box that Sam receives from Lady Galadriel?

(see the answer keys)

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