Fathers and Sons Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fathers and Sons Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. For which of the following reason does Arkady claim to like Katya?
(a) She has beautiful hands
(b) She has good fashion sense
(c) She likes to obey
(d) She likes Putin

2. What does Bazarov accuse Arkady of being when he states his wishes for his father to marry Fenitchka?
(a) Outlandish
(b) Overly moral
(c) Prudish
(d) Wet

3. What time in the morning does the duel take place?
(a) 7.30 a.m.
(b) 11 a.m.
(c) 10 a.m.
(d) 6 a.m.

4. Who does the servant say has arrived to see Arkady?
(a) Bazarov
(b) Nikolai
(c) Piotr
(d) Pavel

5. What way do the two young men decide to go at the beginning of the section?
(a) Right
(b) Left
(c) Straight
(d) Backwards

6. How long has it been since Arina and Vassily have seen their son?
(a) Five years
(b) Three years
(c) Eight years
(d) Six months

7. What is the name of Bazarov's mother?
(a) Sonja
(b) Anna
(c) Arlena
(d) Arina

8. Where do Bazarov and Arkady meet Fenitchka in this section?
(a) In the woods
(b) In an arbor
(c) In the drawing room
(d) Next to the fountain

9. Who does Anna say she is now interested in?
(a) Bazarov
(b) Arkady
(c) Victor
(d) A Russian prince

10. What does Bazarov have to perform on the man?
(a) An operation
(b) A massage
(c) Mouth to mouth resusitation
(d) An autopsy

11. Who are Katya's mother's letters addressed to?
(a) Arkady
(b) Arkady's mother
(c) Pavel
(d) Nikolai

12. Where does Arkady say he is going when he leaves to visit Katya?
(a) The local shop
(b) The library
(c) The Sunday School
(d) Moscow

13. Who does Vassily now serve as doctor?
(a) The Russian Tsar
(b) The local village
(c) Students
(d) Government officials

14. What does Arkady think that Bazarov has come to tell him?
(a) Bazarov is in love with Katya
(b) Bad news from home
(c) They have to go back to university
(d) Their friendship is over

15. What is Vasily's profession?
(a) Lawyer
(b) Construction worker
(c) Blacksmith
(d) Doctor

Short Answer Questions

1. What do Bazarov and Arkady have a heated discussion about later that afternoon?

2. Whose voices do Arkady and Katya hear as they sit in the garden?

3. What does Arkady do immediately after telling Kaya he puts her above anyone else?

4. Who does Nikolai marry?

5. Where would turning left take the two young men?

(see the answer keys)

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