Fates Worse Than Death Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fates Worse Than Death Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What university do Vonnegut's grandfather, father, uncle, and brother attend?
(a) Yale.
(b) IUPUI.
(c) MIT.
(d) Harvard.

2. With what magazine does Vonnegut travel to Mozambique in 1990 to write an article?
(a) US News and World Report.
(b) National Geographic.
(c) The New Yorker.
(d) Parade.

3. What is the subtitle of SLAUGHTERHOUSE FIVE?
(a) "A Mature Decision."
(b) "The Children's Crusade."
(c) "Raiders of the Lost Ark."
(d) "The Last Crusade."

4. What does Vonnegut never think he owes to himself or the world?
(a) To become a litigator.
(b) To forgive his mother.
(c) To return to writing.
(d) To write a book about Jackson Pollock.

5. Who is the author of THE KILIMANJARO DEVICE?
(a) Jane Austen.
(b) Ray Bradbury.
(c) Mark Vonnegut.
(d) Kurt Vonnegut Jr.

6. In THE NATION what does Vonnegut claim is the U.S.'s most nurturing contribution to planetary culture?
(a) Abstract Expressionism.
(b) Jazz.
(c) Alcoholics Anonymous.
(d) Modern Dance.

7. What does Vonnegut require of translators?
(a) They must speak Italian, English, as well as another language.
(b) They must be more gifted writers than he and speak at least two languages, including his.
(c) They must ask him many questions about his work.
(d) They must do as he says.

8. Why does Vonnegut feel out of intellectual step with his new neighbors in Cape Cod?
(a) He is not as wealthy as other in Cape Cod.
(b) He is an Anglo-Saxon.
(c) He is not as intelligent as others in Cape Cod.
(d) He is a non-Anglo-Saxon.

9. What is the definition of this society of which Dr. Robert Redfield speaks?
(a) It is an organization that encourages country living.
(b) It is an organization that teaches folk dances of various cultures.
(c) It is isolated geographically and members agree on what life is about and behave uniformly.
(d) It is a wide-spread belief in diversity and acceptance of others.

10. How do jokes work?
(a) The comedian tells the audience something funny about society that seems outrageous but is true.
(b) Jokes connect the listener to other listeners.
(c) By hooking and releasing the listener, causing the release of fight-or-flight chemicals through laughter.
(d) Comedians and the audienceshare a funny moment.

11. The "Religious Revival" Vonnegut describes has two commandments. What are they?
(a) Stop thinking and obey.
(b) Be free and live in peace.
(c) Divide and conquer.
(d) Have no other god but me and other thy father and they mother.

12. Who sponsors Vonnegut's 1990 trip to Mozambique?
(a) Audobon Society.
(c) World Vision.
(d) CARE.

13. How does Vonnegut describe Reagan's and Bush's war experiences?
(a) Both had extensive experiences as members of the military.
(b) Neither of them had war experiences.
(c) Reagan was a PFC, as was Vonnegut, and Bush was an aviator and war hero.
(d) One experiences warfare in sanitized movies and the other as an aviator who never has to see his victims.

14. Why does Vonnegut believe Christians have no alternative but to hate and then kill in imaginary self-defense?
(a) Christians try and fail to love continually.
(b) Christians know there is a time to kill, as well as a time to heal.
(c) They are trying to convert others but fail.
(d) The religious leaders encourage them to hate others.

15. What is Mark's only crime against his government?
(a) Murder.
(b) Identity theft.
(c) Theft.
(d) Disrespect.

Short Answer Questions

1. To what does Vonnegut compare ignoring distractions and repeating a mantra?

2. Jane gives birth to how many children?

3. Where does Vonnegut meet his first wife?

4. What is World Vision?

5. Although people with acute mental disorder are less often written off as hopeless, why is there still a lack of certainty for patients and their families?

(see the answer keys)

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