Fates Worse Than Death Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fates Worse Than Death Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 18.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How are Vonnegut and Elie Wiesel the same?
(a) They share a German surname.
(b) They are cousins.
(c) They are both Jewish.
(d) They both have pet dogs.

2. Vonnegut references what Biblical story to his belief that people find life too hard and disappointing to act on repairing it?
(a) The Last Supper, with Jesus accusing Mark instead of Judas.
(b) Buddha sitting by the tree, but not becoming enlightened.
(c) Adam and Eve not taking a bite from the forbidden fruit.
(d) Noah's Ark, as a sinking vessel with half its animals already dead.

3. What does Vonnegut believe all women bottle inside of themselves, which his mother releases unwittingly at midnight?
(a) Hydrofluoric acid.
(b) Hydrogen dioxide.
(c) Hydrochloric acid.
(d) Carbon dioxide.

4. What does Vonnegut tell Hemingway scholars defines his fellow Midwesterner?
(a) World War I.
(b) His writing.
(c) The Vietnam War.
(d) His cats.

5. What does Vonnegut compare to an alcoholic stockbroker not wanting his head in a Port Authority Bus Terminal toilet?
(a) Mozambicans.
(b) Western Civilization builds weapons and convinces civilians to hate groups of humanity, but they do not want big wars.
(c) Third World Countries.
(d) Presidents Bush and Reagan.

Short Answer Questions

1. After high school what does Jill make Manhattan and the world?

2. What does the U.S. allow for 100 years before diagnosing it as a social disease and fighting it?

3. What mental illness does the author's son suffer and recover from?

4. As a writer Vonnegut is an anthropologist and writes about what acculturated primitive people?

5. The Reverend finds "Slaughterhouse Five", as well as "Deliverance" and "Catcher in the Rye," falling short in what way?

(see the answer key)

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