Fates Worse Than Death Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Fates Worse Than Death Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 4.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Vonnegut believes that the goal in the U.S. is only to train intelligent, well-educated people to do what?
(a) Speak stupidly and gain popularity.
(b) Speak rudely and arrogantly.
(c) Speak slowly and carefully.
(d) Speak cautiously and quietly.

2. What does Vonnegut create during his summers at Lake Maxincuckee in southern Indiana?
(a) Camp fires.
(b) A wooden canoe.
(c) Imaginary friends.
(d) His first map of the world.

3. What practical joke does Vonnegut play at an ROTC inspection?
(a) He tells knock knock jokes.
(b) He dresses like a clown.
(c) He wears a Boy Scout uniform.
(d) He wears every sort of medal he can find.

4. In Fates Worse Than Death, humorist Kurt Vonnegut examines the blindness of the American people to the hypocrisy of what administration?
(a) Smith Administration.
(b) Clinton Administration.
(c) Reagan Administration.
(d) Carter Administration.

5. What mental illness does the author's son suffer and recover from?
(a) Schizophrenia.
(b) Anxiety.
(c) Depression.
(d) Bipolar disorder.

Short Answer Questions

1. This book is the sequel to what other book?

2. In which art form does Father show promise before the Great Depression?

3. Kurt Vonnegut Sr. is respected and loved as a founder of what museum?

4. Vonnegut is the third person in his family to have a one-person show and the second to put in time in a "laughing academy." What is he the first to do?

5. He compares his adventures at Lake Maxincuckee to what explorer?

(see the answer key)

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